WEBVTT 0:00:01.790 --> 0:00:06.359 What I'm really keen is for people to be 0:00:04.740 --> 0:00:09.269 up to date and know what they're doing 0:00:06.359 --> 0:00:10.920 and feel cared for by an organization. So, 0:00:09.269 --> 0:00:12.810 are you too busy handling day-to-day 0:00:10.920 --> 0:00:14.880 issues that you and the company have 0:00:12.810 --> 0:00:16.529 neglected your personal development? When 0:00:14.880 --> 0:00:18.810 was the last time you went not 0:00:16.529 --> 0:00:20.400 necessarily on a training course, which 0:00:18.810 --> 0:00:22.730 can sometimes be just like a sheep dip, 0:00:20.400 --> 0:00:24.600 but on other things? On going to a 0:00:22.730 --> 0:00:27.960 competitor? On going out in the 0:00:24.600 --> 0:00:30.180 marketplace? On learning new skills? On 0:00:27.960 --> 0:00:32.460 looking around the company doing other 0:00:30.180 --> 0:00:34.110 things like that? But, you are very 0:00:32.460 --> 0:00:35.970 important to this company, that's why 0:00:34.110 --> 0:00:37.530 they hired you and sometimes you can 0:00:35.970 --> 0:00:39.120 look back and it's been three four years 0:00:37.530 --> 0:00:40.950 since someone has actually done 0:00:39.120 --> 0:00:43.530 something for you. So be a little selfish 0:00:40.950 --> 0:00:45.090 get out there and say it's time I had 0:00:43.530 --> 0:00:47.640 something that developed my personal 0:00:45.090 --> 0:00:49.350 side, which could lend of course lead to 0:00:47.640 --> 0:00:51.780 other things including 0:00:49.350 --> 0:00:53.760 promotion. Are you personally totally 0:00:51.780 --> 0:00:55.410 up-to-date with the latest trends in the 0:00:53.760 --> 0:00:57.059 marketplace? Do you know what people are 0:00:55.410 --> 0:00:59.100 talking about when they talk about web 0:00:57.059 --> 0:01:00.870 chat and web RTC. I'm sure all of our 0:00:59.100 --> 0:01:03.450 audience today do, but what about 0:01:00.870 --> 0:01:05.219 everybody else in the organization? Do 0:01:03.450 --> 0:01:07.680 some of those contact centers out there 0:01:05.219 --> 0:01:09.930 really know how old-fashioned they are 0:01:07.680 --> 0:01:13.110 when all they're really doing perhaps is 0:01:09.930 --> 0:01:14.520 just having fun? Do you need more 0:01:13.110 --> 0:01:15.869 training to achieve your and your 0:01:14.520 --> 0:01:18.689 people's career goals? 0:01:15.869 --> 0:01:20.130 Now you don't presume most people don't 0:01:18.689 --> 0:01:22.590 want to stay where they are the rest of 0:01:20.130 --> 0:01:24.240 their lives, but even if you did the 0:01:22.590 --> 0:01:27.420 answer must be to broaden the experience 0:01:24.240 --> 0:01:30.030 to get more interesting things done and 0:01:27.420 --> 0:01:32.549 that all comes from a combination of 0:01:30.030 --> 0:01:34.110 development and education and all of 0:01:32.549 --> 0:01:36.540 those sorts of things or even 0:01:34.110 --> 0:01:37.920 getting involved in training developing 0:01:36.540 --> 0:01:41.700 people yourself, if you've got that 0:01:37.920 --> 0:01:43.470 particular side of your personality. So, 0:01:41.700 --> 0:01:46.369 self and staff development I think is 0:01:43.470 --> 0:01:46.369 incredibly important.