How to Create a Culture of Inclusion in Your Contact Centre Related Articles 9 Ways to Create a Thriving Contact Centre Culture 8 Benefits of Creating a Culture of Learning in Your Contact Centre Podcast: How can you create a happy culture of positive people? 5 Steps to Building a Culture of Empathy and Inclusivity © Chaay_tee - Adobe Stock - 210865039 777 Filed under - Guest Blogs, IQPC IQPC discuss the need for creating a culture of inclusion in the contact centre, before sharing three tips to help achieve this culture type. In the world of customer contact, the nurturing of a diverse and inclusive culture not only creates a team that reflects the market it is serving, but it generates an environment where people can bring their whole selves to work and unlock their full potential, which ultimately yields productive employees and stronger, more creative teams. In a recent interview with Helen Gillett, Managing Director of Affinity for Business, and Petra Mengelt, Head of B2B Business Relations at Mash Group Plc, IQPC explored the role of D&I in the world of customer contact and demonstrate how your biggest asset—your people—can set your business apart from the competition. So, let’s explore some of the key takeaways from the interviews; Why Diversity and Inclusion Can Benefit Customer Contact For many years, companies have thought of diversity and inclusion as affirmative action or box checking, but it is anything but that. Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) is not an HR issue. Instead, it is about diverse thinking, perspectives, experiences, work styles and cultural backgrounds, as opposed to counting heads. Statistics show that organizations that embed D&I in their culture have a distinct advantage over their competitors. Research by McKinsey & Company shows that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams are 21% more likely to outperform in profitability and 27% more likely to have superior value creation. Additionally, the most ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform the least ethnically diverse. Meanwhile, leading consultant John Bersin also shares that diverse & inclusive companies have 2.3x higher cash flow per employee than homogeneous companies. From a customer contact perspective, an environment of diverse cultures combined with individuals of different ages, genders, abilities and sexualities creates a pool of opinions, skills and ways of approaching challenges that work to benefit both the business and its customers. In a setting where unique challenges arise frequently, it is only favourable to have a diverse team that can share ideas and create best practices through collaboration. How to Create a Culture of Diversity & Inclusion in Your Organization When it comes to creating a culture of inclusion, good intentions are a start, but implementation and accountability matter more. It is vital that organizations seek to cultivate a culture of D&I and make it a core part of their DNA. With this in mind, here are three actionable steps to making a culture of D&I a reality in your customer contact centre; 1. Start From the Top Responsibility for affecting change should not be driven by HR. Instead, it starts with business leaders. Accountability is an essential factor in establishing a culture of D&I. When executive leadership incorporate talent as an active agenda item, that’s when it becomes intrinsic in the culture of the company. 2. Communicate to Educate Creating opportunities for employees to learn more about one another as people, rather than just colleagues, is a great way to build a sense of trust and community in your team. Petra encourages a culture of always asking questions to aid this, and also to dispel any negativity that may stem from misunderstandings. Petra says: “It’s important to never ever leave anything that stems from cultural difference hanging or unresolved, otherwise there is always a risk of encouraging negative stereotypes. I am always asking questions such as ‘can you explain what you mean?’ to create clarity.” 3. Lead by Example It’s a well-known mantra that people don’t leave companies; they leave leaders. In order for a culture of D&I to thrive, employees must feel as if they are being coached by a leader who truly has their best interests in mind. As demonstrated by Helen’s own comments on being honest about her journey, an effective way to do so is by leading by example. If a leader can bring their authentic self to work, their employees will feel confident enough to do the same. This can be especially important when discussing inclusion and mental health, as Helen shares: “Having leaders tell their stories lets people know that mental ill-health can happen to anyone and it’s not anything to be ashamed of – it’s ok not to be ok.” Author: Robyn Coppell Published On: 23rd Jul 2019 - Last modified: 25th Oct 2019 Read more about - Guest Blogs, IQPC Recommended Articles 9 Ways to Create a Thriving Contact Centre Culture 8 Benefits of Creating a Culture of Learning in Your Contact Centre Podcast: How can you create a happy culture of positive people? 5 Steps to Building a Culture of Empathy and Inclusivity Contact Centre Reports, Surveys and White Papers Get the latest call centre and BPO reports, specialist whitepapers and interesting case-studies. Choose the content that you want to receive. Contact Centre Reports, Surveys and White Papers Invites to Webinars & Events Weekly Newsletter