Reports, White Papers and Latest Resources

Reports and White papers represent a great way to read in depth about some of the issues facing call centres.

In today’s customer-driven world, AI-driven Topic Analysis is essential for enhancing service and improving retention.

So, can you have it all? Exceptional, cost-efficient CX at scale? Scorebuddy say yes, so download this eBook today and strike the perfect balance.

Businesses outsource their contact center operations for various reasons. The goal could be to flex service provision around customer demand, to increase scalability, to rapidly acquire new skills or new technology, to free up leadership bandwidth to focus on core competencies, or simply to reduce costs.

The UK is a nation of notetakers. But while almost everyone jots down information daily, the way we take notes varies widely.

One of the biggest opportunities for AI is customer service. But contrary to popular opinion, AI is not a bandage you can throw on your customer service cut and expect it to heal. It takes the right solution, at the right time with the right people buying in to make AI for CX work. A pulse survey was conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, to understand how brands perceive AI for customer service what value they’re realizing, and strategies to overcome the implementation challenges.

Is your contact centre measuring up against your competitors?

This White Paper explores the critical steps necessary for contact centres to effectively integrate AI into their operations.

It’s time to harness the power of AI for quality assurance. Swap tedious, time-consuming manual QA for an automated evaluation process that uncovers real insights and drives superior CX.

Does every day feel like a battle to keep the machinery of customer contact up and running? Are your agents doing too many things at once even though 97.5% of human brains are ill-equipped for multi-tasking? This is call center chaos. Its a growing phenomenon, and its what happens when call volume and complexity overtake your call centers abilities. This guide will show you how four real companies have brought accuracy, simplicity and harmony to their customer service (even when complexity seems inescapable).

From the introduction of AI, to changing customer communication preferences, contact centre leaders continuously need to adapt their strategy to make sure they don’t get left behind. Need some help in redesigning your CX, spotting points of friction, and knowing where to focus your energy for the best possible outcome right now? Look no further! This webinar will bring together the latest thinking in people, processes, and technology, as our panel of experts share 7 clever ways to transform your contact centre.

This eBook explores success stories from top-tier brands such as Sony, Carnival UK, and Hyundai Capital and how these brands leverage AI to exceed customer expectations and achieve unmatched results.

AI has shaped the strategic narrative for everyone this year – from the technology vendors weaving new features into their product offerings and the contact centre leaders rethinking what great CX looks like, right through to the agents facing a new chapter of possibilities in augmentation and automation – redefining daily life on the frontline.

If things feel painful behind the scenes, they probably feel painful for your customers too. Fixing your customer support operations starts with understanding where you sit on the CX maturity curve. Use this assessment tool now to discover where you sit.

This report by Talkdesk delves into the transformative journey of customer experience within the mobile-first era, exploring the evolution of digital mobility and its impact on banking.

1 in 6 contact centers have already deployed GenAI—and only 1% say they have no plans to do so (Deloitte). When you reel off the potential benefits, it’s easy to see why. But, as things stand, half of AI projects fail due to poor execution. Planning is one thing—doing is another beast altogether.

Increasingly, customers are turning to digital channels for information, purchases, and support. But even after decades of innovation, consumers are still left frustrated by the inefficiency of customer self-service. Ineffective menus, limited options, and/or being forced to connect with a live agent—only to repeat information multiple times.

Customer service can feel like a high-stakes game, with consumer loyalty as the ultimate prize.

As we navigate 2024, the customer experience (CX) landscape continues to transform, shaped by both familiar and newly developed forces.

Variety is the name of the game in the contact centre – whether that’s experienced agent vs. new recruit, email vs. phone, or even password change vs. insurance payout. When managed poorly, this can result in some customers feeling wowed, whilst others are left frustrated. So how do you level the playing field, so every customer receives a consistent experience regardless of channel, agent, or query type? Watch this webinar replay to hear what the experts have to say about how to deliver consistency – time after time.

Let’s be honest—keeping up with the fast pace of Speech Analytics technology can feel overwhelming.

A 2024 Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact study commissioned by Sprinklr reveals the cost savings and business benefits of a cloud-native, digital-first contact center as a service (CCaaS) solution such as Sprinklr Service.

Even though customers are particularly price sensitive at present, insurers that remain focused on service quality throughout their relationship with policy-holders are more likely to retain their business at renewal time.

Gartner named NICE the only Customers’ Choice CCaaS vendor in its 2024 Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer for Contact Center as a Service” report.

Contact centers that prioritize customer satisfaction by implementing efficient communication channels, such as SMS and WhatsApp, engage better with their customers to resolve issues quickly and conveniently, leading to a more positive customer experience.

Most contact center professionals have heard about Erlang C - but what exactly is it and what does it do? What about Erlang A and B? What are the limitations and pitfalls of Erlang C? And how can you put Erlang C to work in your contact center? Heres the little book that tells you everything you need to know about applying Erlang C in your organization.

Today’s contact centre attrition rates average around 40%, and sometimes can be up to 100% — which is both costly and disruptive to business. Nearly half of contact centre managers cite high turnover and absenteeism as the top reasons why their customer service function can’t operate effectively.

With high expectations, mixed experiences, and AI hype, consumer behaviour is in flux and understanding the nuances of opinion will be crucial for any contact centre. The CCMA’s comprehensive research, Voice of the Contact Centre Consumer 2024, explores how consumer opinions are evolving alongside technological advancements and how emerging technologies like AI are impacting service satisfaction.

In their efforts to deepen customer relationships in the face of economic uncertainty, many forward-thinking brands have transitioned from helping customers in an efficient, yet seemingly transactional way, to understanding and engaging with each customer as an individual. Increasingly, they are looking to push service experiences further into ongoing interactive engagements that no longer feel like one-off interactions.

Say goodbye to tedious manual scorecards as your only evaluation method, and say hello to auto-call scoring.

This latest eBook highlights how businesses can harness AI’s transformative potential for sustained, dynamic growth and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving digital era.

Getting omnichannel CX right may sound challenging, but it also represents a massive opportunity. When you offer customers the contact channels they value most, you stand to gain a significant competitive advantage.

The consideration factors have changed for customer service leaders contemplating cloud migrations. Many of the latest innovations that improve productivity and lower costs are now only available in the cloud. Learn to navigate cloud-based migration by downloading this eBook.

Assembled surveyed hundreds of WFM and customer support professionals across more than a dozen industries to ask them about their benchmarks, challenges, and priorities both now and in the year ahead.

What does it mean to build an artificial intelligence (AI)-ready contact centre? How do you separate hype from practical solutions that will demonstrate ROI for your organisation? While some buzzworthy solutions may seem simple to implement at first, over time, development and maintenance costs may become insurmountable for your team. On the other hand, trusted AI solutions that are purpose-built for the contact centre can help minimise the potential risks associated with AI, while achieving your intended business outcomes quickly.

In the world of B2B sales, every dial, every conversation, and every objection handled can make the difference between a closed deal and a missed opportunity – but crafting the perfect script is easier said than done.

IDC just released its in-depth “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide CCaaS Applications Software 2024 Vendor Assessment” report – and NICE was named as a Worldwide Leader! According to the IDC MarketScape, vendors should “Consider NICE when you are looking for a complete platform offering inclusive of analytics, AI, and automation.” Read this excerpt for valuable insights.

8x8 Supervisor Workspace provides a single pane of glass for monitoring and managing the performance of agents and the overall efficiency of the contact centre.

As the insurance industry evolves to meet changing customer preferences, insurers are integrating new technologies such as AI and interaction analytics.

In todays fast-paced customer service landscape, traditional manual QA processes are proving inadequate. As call volumes escalate, the need for scalable solutions becomes more apparent. Enter AI, poised to revolutionize contact center QA like never before. Transform Your Contact Center QA with AI: Download Your Free Ebook!

What are KPIs and why are they important in contact centers? Short answer: They are important metrics that help you understand and manage performance. Long answer: Call centers need to know how good their performance is. KPIs indicate whether your team is working effectively, if your customers are happy, and if everything is running efficiently.

In the new CX landscape of digitally-conversant customers and heightened expectations, traditional customer care processes often fall short in handling complex customer interactions seamlessly, and in providing the insights that businesses need to identify necessary improvements.

Many organisations recognise the importance of customer insights to their business.

Turn data overload into customer insights and earn a perfect “10” in customer loyalty. How? By putting AI into action.

Over the last four years there have been monumental changes in the Contact Centre space – businesses that are thriving have two things in common: an agile mindset and an openness to trying something new.

No one calls a contact center because they’re happy. They reach out because they have a problem to solve, which is often stressful for everyone involved.

in today’s hyper-connected world, customer experience is everything. Retailers who get it right gain more than a customer’s business—they gain valuable word of mouth marketing through reviews and recommendations.

This eGuide explores the growing intersection of AI and customer service and the best approaches for adding customer experience automation to a call center or contact center.

Many organisations choose AI-based technology, such as conversation intelligence, to help scale the capabilities of their contact centre. The reasons for selecting this technology often start on the practical side, such as the desire to reduce average handle time (AHT), improve agent performance, or other traditional key performance indicators (KPIs). But, over time, contact centre teams often discover that customer insights can inform strategic decisions around more than just operational efficiency, such as customer experience (CX) and other cross-departmental initiatives.

By now, most contact center leaders are convinced they need to be using AI. But how? It’s not just about the technology after all, but your contact center’s culture, processes and people.

What makes us happy? Extraordinary experiences. It’s true for customer interactions, too.

Explore the intricate dynamics of UK financial services contact centres, revealing trends in structure, growth, technology, staffing, and commercial complexities within the industry.

Customer experience (CX) is more important than ever. Consumers are looking for more from the organisations they engage with – whether that’s price or quality of services – and brands must increase their focus on meeting those demands if they’re going to retain existing customers and attract new ones.

In State of Contact Centres part 2, we’ll explore the impact and potential of AI, through the perspective of your peers – contact centre leaders – offering a glimpse into the future of contact centres as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of the modern CX landscape.

We’ve all heard of on-premises to cloud contact center migrations over the past few decades, but cloud-to-cloud migration is becoming just as common.

ICMI recently surveyed the contact center community in the executive report, “The State of AI in the Contact Center,” to provide a snapshot in time as AI-powered contact center tools emerge from their early, experimental status and take an increasingly central role across all areas of contact center operations.

We’re at the beginning of a massive shift in how brands will deliver customer service. The large language models behind generative AI systems are going to be like rocket fuel for the contact center. Find out how this exciting new technology will change everything from conversational AI to the role of the contact center agent.

Burnout is no longer solely an executive syndrome. It affects everyone and statistics show it’s getting worse. It’s bad for employees, customers, planners and the business bottom line. Many people assume that it’s a fact of life that can’t be ‘fixed’.

How many hoops do your agents have to jump through to deliver great service? If the answer is ‘too many’, then you could be fostering a culture of frustration and operational inefficiency that’s not only harming your CX, but also pushing your agents towards the door. But did you know that agent empowerment can make the world of difference? And thanks to flexible scheduling, agent self-service, smart adaptive technology, and more, there’s never been a better time to give agents more control.

Discover how your contact centre team stacks up against the industry with the latest benchmarking insights.

In this report, we will delve into the details of these trends, through the perspective of your peers – contact centre leaders – offering a glimpse into the future of contact centres as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of the current CX landscape. 

Do you want to help us uncover the latest insights and initiatives in the contact centre? Then take part in our annual benchmarking survey!

Get a snapshot of contact center performance in the age of generative AI. Representing data of nearly 3,000 clients across six continents, this brand new Talkdesk KPI benchmarking report analyzes the impact of generative AI, self-service and automation technology, and empowering agent assistance tools across five operational metrics applicable to every industry.

This Aberdeen research report surveyed firms across all industries and sizes to measure just how much AI and automation have supercharged their digital transformation. Survey results show big payoffs for those that have invested in AI, and they have plans to invest more into it.

Adopting a helpdesk platform - like Zendesk - is undoubtedly one of the biggest productivity boosters a customer experience team can make.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the 10 essential steps to ensure a seamless transition to your new contact center vendor, empowering you to elevate your operations and drive sustainable growth.

Vulnerable customers are easy to spot right? Well, not really. In today’s world, anyone can find themselves in a vulnerable position at any time. This makes vulnerability difficult to detect. New research reveals the five UK consumer groups most at risk of vulnerability today - and the awareness gap keeping them hidden.

In the past 20 years, the WFM industry for contact centers has undergone profound transformations. Amid these industry-wide advancements, injixo has distinguished itself as a key innovator, from pioneering cloud-based solutions to revolutionizing predictive accuracy with AI-based forecasting.

The tangible outcome of customer experience (CX) investments and programs is long-term ROI derived from improved satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. But those responsible for CX programs face pressure to measure CX in short-term financial outcomes to justify program investment.

Some technology is about more than uncovering a few new efficiencies or optimizing some antiquated user interfaces. Some technology is about transforming everything you know and feel about customer contact. Over the past few years, leaders have been eyeing generative AI as an example of the latter. They believe it can revolutionize self-service, transform customer journeys, increase personalization, strengthen our understanding of customers, and unlock unprecedented employee happiness and performance.

For financial services providers, the CX game has changed.

Customers today have ever-higher expectations on quality, response times, personalization, and more. Not only this, but they’re forming these expectations around the best experiences they have with any organisation – not just your direct competitors. This undoubtedly adds more pressure to the role of being a customer service leader.

Finding the right gamification platform and getting internal buy-in can be difficult.

Download this guide to learn how you can:

  • add a high quality voice channel to Zendesk so your customers can always reach you
  • Automate Zendesk ticketing and boost agent efficiency 40%
  • Give customers an easier route to what they need with composable IVR and VoiceBot AI for Zendesk
  • Liverpool John Moores University is looking for participants for its survey on contact centre health initiatives. Take part now.

    The need to improve both the customer experience and agent job satisfaction cost-effectively is a driving force for all customer-facing operations - regardless of size. This is only possible with a properly staffed contact center, and Workforce Optimization (WFO) is the way to achieve this.

    Innovation is key to staying ahead of the competition. However, hybrid working has presented new challenges for contact centres in fostering creativity and collaboration among teams.

    Are missed sales opportunities, cross-selling challenges, or repeat calls plaguing your operations? Look no further! Our platforms depth of insight and AI capabilities are tailored to boost seller performance, drive efficiency and increase revenue.

    Level up your GenAI know-how for enhanced CX.

    The past three years have forever changed the way customers interact with brands. And retail was one of the sectors impacted the most.