How to Handle No Call No Show at Work in Contact Centres

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Absenteeism costs the US industry approximately $225.8 billion annually in lost productivity. Planned time off is the preference, but no call no show at work instances can and do happen.

We are all human and sometimes, these no shows are due to unforeseeable circumstances. But a no call no show policy can help to prevent repeat offenders from making a deep dent in your business. A policy can prevent employee absentee problems and clearly communicate contact centre-wide consequences.

If you’ve ever dealt with no call no show issues in your contact centre, or if you have ever been frustrated by repeat absenteeism, this blog post is for you. We explore what no call no shows are, their impact on business, and how you can mitigate these issues and establish a no call no show policy in your centre.

What Does No Call No Show Actually Mean?

No call no show is a common phrase for when someone misses work and doesn’t call to let their employers know. The negative impacts of no call no shows extend far beyond one person; it has a ripple effect on the entire team.

No call no shows put a strain on the business, lead to mistrust and are difficult to fix in a real-time scenario. Other consequences of a no call no show include:

  • Shorthanded teams
  • Decreased morale and heightened stress
  • Safety and compliance issues
  • Missed tasks and deadlines
  • Up to 36% productivity loss

We’ve Heard All of the Absurd Excuses for No Show No Call

We’ve heard of a lot of excuses for not getting things done. We all know about the dog eating our homework, but there is no end to the imaginative excuses that people dream up for not going to work.

CareerBuilder’s survey of employees and HR managers revealed some of the most unusual excuses for employees calling in sick:

  • A bear was in an employee’s yard, and they were afraid to come out.
  • Employee’s phone exploded and it hurt their hand.
  • Employee ate a toothpick in his food at a restaurant.
  • Employee broke his arm wrestling a female bodybuilder.
  • The employee called in “fat” because the uniform didn’t fit.
  • Dog swallowed the employee’s car keys so she was waiting until it came out.
  • The employee did not have enough gas to get to work.
  • The employee had to reschedule a new manicure because some of their artificial nails fell off.
  • Employees were not sure how the solar eclipse would affect them so it would be safer to stay at home.

Yes, these are real excuses. And they have real consequences. 38% of employers check in on employees who have called in sick, while 43% have caught called-out employees in lies via social media.

As we said before, there are some circumstances when an employee is not able to come to work. But excuses like these are unacceptable. And in many cases, the employee will be caught. Is skipping work worth the risk?

Now that we understand what a no call no show is, let’s look at how to deal with them in call centres.

How to Deal With a No Call No Show at Work

Ensuring your contact centre has effective procedures in place goes a long way toward preventing absenteeism and keeping agent productivity on track. Here are five steps to help you handle a no call no show at work:

Step 1: Reach Out and See if the Employee Needs Help.

In the first instance, call the employee to make sure they are ok. They could be dealing with an emergency and it’s worth clarifying that. When you reach out and offer help, this strengthens the trust and relationship between employer and agent, and improves agent engagement.

Step 2: Establish Procedures for Attendance.

An attendance policy is the best way to communicate the rules and standards to your call centre agents. This ensures everyone knows what is expected of them and helps your contact centre operations run smoothly. A few things to keep in mind as you set up attendance procedures:

  • Define what it means to be absent or late.
  • Provide visual directions to clearly show your clock-in and out policies.
  • Define no call no show and add it to your employee handbook.

Step 3: Create a Policy to Deal With No Call No Show.

When the consequences of a no call no show are clear, agents know exactly what they can and cannot get away with. Your policy should include information on how to deal with emergencies or last-minute time-off requests. Other specifics to keep in mind when setting up a no call no show policy include:

  • Be familiar with any federal or state laws regarding employee termination.
  • Clearly outline what can be considered an acceptable reason for a no call no show, i.e., medical or family emergencies.
  • A step-by-step procedure of disciplinary action, i.e., first offense a verbal warning, a second a written warning, a third, termination.

Step 4: Keep Communication Open.

Incorporate information on the policy into onboarding and training. Ensure all agents understand the rules, answer any questions about them, and make sure they agree to them.

Step 5: Consistent Enforcement.

As said in Step #3, setting up an attendance policy is key. But whatever you decide for your no call no show policy, ensure you stick to it.

Whether you have a three-strikes policy or take a zero-tolerance approach, it’s important to be consistent with the consequences. You also must warn any employee that the following offense can result in their being let go if that is in your policy.

Step 6: Improve Your Scheduling.

If you still have an issue despite open communications, clear procedures, and enforcement, it may be time to improve your scheduling arrangement. Look closely at your scheduling and ask if it’s working for you and your agents.

Step 7: Recognize Your Agents.

When agents are recognized, they feel more engaged in their work. This not only helps with retention, but it also combats absenteeism. Focus on making your contact centre culture inviting and transparent. If you invest in your agents and your culture, your agents will not only show up, their morale will be sky-high.

The Bottom Line

Your business is based on how you manage and interact with employees. Don’t let a no call no show at work bring down good work. Make sure to lean in to your rules around absence.

Remember, the more information you can provide to your team, the better. A QA platform can help. Technology helps you create a transparent environment built around trust, which in turn creates a thriving work environment with a healthy culture.

Implementing the right technology can also help you track absences and prepare you to better deal with them.

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Scorebuddy Scorebuddy is quality assurance solution for scoring customer service calls, emails and web chat. It is a dedicated, stand-alone staff scoring system based in the cloud, requiring no integration.

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Call Centre Helper is not responsible for the content of these guest blog posts. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of Call Centre Helper.

Author: Scorebuddy

Published On: 20th Jun 2022 - Last modified: 28th Apr 2023
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