Why You Need to Implement Proactive Monitoring

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Filed under - Guest Blogs,

In this blog Josh O’Farrell at Spearline explores why businesses need to implement proactive monitoring.

Poor audio quality can impact customer service. Like many businesses, you may depend on international inbound telephone services for your contact centre, or on outbound calling to drive new sales.

Those telephone services are mission-critical and Spearline helps its customers through active path testing and monitoring to support ‘the ideal customer experience.’

Excellent Customer Experience

Nobody likes a bad phone call. Whether it be a delayed call, terrible quality, or a jumbled-up conversation, one terrible phone call could easily ruin the rest of your day. And what does your customer think of your business if the phone call is of poor quality?

Well, they probably won’t ring again and they may move to your competitor. Proactive monitoring removes this risk, minimizing widespread customer impact swiftly and efficiently, thus protecting your business’ brand and removing any customer pain points.

Stronger Brand Loyalty

Expanding on the previous point, proactively monitoring your calls, producing better quality and greater customer experience will increase brand loyalty for your customers.

Your customers will trust your company more and rely on your product, knowing you provide excellent customer support. This will also generate better word of mouth for your business, gaining interest from potential customers.

Trust is a two-way thing. Businesses trust their customers to help support them and their products, but customers also trust the business to supply them with excellent customer service and perfect products while also keeping them up-to-date with company news.

Sure, businesses can only share a certain amount of information with their customers, but with proactive monitoring, businesses can get in front of problems by proactively alerting their customers of problems before it becomes a bad word of mouth.

If a business displays this trust (and promises that the problem is being dealt with), the issue won’t irritate customers as much, and will also feel like the business cares about THEIR needs (which they should!).

Reduces the Time Needed to Troubleshoot Issues

Think of how annoying and time-consuming it could try to pinpoint the reason your calls are of poor quality, going through a labyrinth of possibilities when the answer could dangle right in front of you, but it’s too late.

The customer has moved on to your competitor and you still haven’t found the solution to your problem. However, if you proactively monitor and test, you can avoid going in roundabouts and deal with your issue straightforwardly. Time is money, there’s no point burning the bank!


Now that your business is keeping your customers happy and you are preventing any issues from arising before they become a major problem, your next focus should be on the cost for the company.

Reducing time for troubleshooting and good word of mouth means more revenue for the business, which all stems from making sure you have a good phone call. It’s straightforward and simple.

Less Hassle for Management

For any good business to work, they need to have a well-organized structure running smoothly like a well-oiled machine. Sometimes, management doesn’t know there’s a problem on the ‘ground floor’ of the company until it’s too late and blown out of proportion.

Proactive monitoring can prevent this, turning management attention to correct minor issues constantly before they become more significant problems, further focusing on success for the business.

Manage Call Issues Proactively, Before It Affects Customers

We live in a switching economy. Customers don’t call a second time to complain about a poor experience, they simply switch providers.

If even one of your numbers experiences downtime or audio quality issues, it may impact numerous customers, leading to frustration and loss of revenue.

So, it’s not enough to wait around for a customer complaint to alert you to a problem, and network monitoring won’t alert you to any of these issues when they’re happening outside of your internal network.

Fortunately, proactive, automated testing of your numbers is possible and can make sure you’re ahead of the game in identifying issues. If you’re testing your numbers regularly, then you’ll know immediately when a problem occurs and, armed with the right information, can get it fixed before customer experience is badly affected.

Spearline Solution

Spearline Voice Assure In-Country is a telecommunications assurance toolset that provides you with global points of presence (PoPs) around the world. These allow you to routinely test and monitor your numbers on an automated and proactive basis.

Voice Assure In-Country verifies your service numbers’ connectivity and audio quality in the same way your customers are experiencing them and provides real insights into performance.

Read more about the features and benefits of Voice Assure In-Country here.

Author: Guest Author

Published On: 5th Aug 2021 - Last modified: 25th Jan 2023
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