Take Part in a New Applied Customer Experience Course

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Pearson College London are launching a nine-week Applied Customer Experience course, run by Customer Experience and Emotional Intelligence Expert Sandra Thompson.

The aim of this part-time course, which will run from September to November 2019, is to help you take your customer experience career to the next level and accelerate business results.

Course Overview

Customer experience is both the fastest growing business discipline in the world and the most misunderstood topic, with dozens of definitions and “best practice” recommendations that constantly seem to contradict each other.

This nine-week Applied Customer Experience and Emotional Intelligence course separates myths from reality and gives participants practical skills as well as validated know-how.

It prepares them to succeed in this game-changing industry through a reputable and highly valuable course that is recognized by leading employers across the UK, and participants are awarded a Professional Certificate from Pearson Business School on successful completion.

What Makes Applied Customer Experience and Emotional Intelligence Stand Out?

Doing away with anecdotes, guesswork and blatant self-promotion, the course is designed with extreme rigour to ensure you can unlock the value of great customer experiences and reap their rewards.

At the core of this programme are five key fundamental principles that make it truly unique:

  • It’s based on robust, reliable and cutting-edge academic research including psychology, neuroscience, behavioural science and behavioural economics.
  • Each week comprises two learning sessions so that participants can take the standard or deeper-dive approach to their learning. Key topics are taught and learning is facilitated on Thursday evenings UK time. Deeper-dive sessions are held on Saturdays, one week after the key topic is taught so that participants can test their understanding and delve deeper into the topic if they wish. These Saturday sessions are optional and attendance on the weekend is not a requirement to complete this course.
  • It has contributions and talks from senior customer experience leaders [and CX authors] sharing their insights and proven path to CX excellence.
  • Immersive sessions with behavioural scientists and psychologists really bring it all to life, keeping human behaviour front and centre.
  • Participants who successfully complete the course will be awarded with the Pearson Business School Professional Certificate in Applied Customer Experience and Emotional Intelligence.

Why Study Customer Experience and Emotional Intelligence?

Customer experience is seen as a key priority for CEOs all over the globe. At the same time, there is a widening gap between the high quality of experiences businesses believe they deliver and the low ratings customers attach to them – that gap represents a significant growth opportunity for businesses who are willing to invest in customer experience as a sustainable and high-growth business strategy.

As customer experience is too often allocated a budget that is disproportionately low compared to its ambitions and importance, the tolerance for underperformance is extremely low, with the average tenure of a Chief Customer Officer being less than 2½* years (*Chief Customer Council, 2017).

In such a challenging context, the last thing you want to do is put your customer-centric role at the mercy of guesswork and anecdotes for the sake of nine-week course – your career deserves so much more. This course has been designed to give you the know-how and confidence to make a sustainable difference!

What’s more, you’ll be learning how to adopt the skills of emotional intelligence (EI) in your work. Your tutor, Sandra Thompson, is the first certified Goleman Emotional Intelligence coach in the UK and she will be taking you through a series of exercises to help you grow your EI, plus she will share the knowledge and experience she has gained from being a student of the Goleman faculty and Dr Daniel Goleman.

To find out more about this course and apply, visit www.pearsoncollegelondon.ac.uk

You may also recognize Sandra if you are a regular visitor to Call Centre Helper, as she has featured in a number of our articles, podcasts and webinars.

Below is one such podcast, in which Sandra discusses Customer Experience and Emotional Intelligence, which may prove to be an interesting listen if you are considering applying for this course.

The Contact Centre Podcast – Episode 12:

Customer Experience: The New Thinking For Delighting Your Customers

For more information on this podcast, or alternative ways to listen, visit Podcast – Customer Experience: The New Thinking for Delighting Your Customers

Author: Robyn Coppell

Published On: 24th Jul 2020 - Last modified: 11th Jan 2023
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