Applied Customer Experience (Evening Course – 10 weeks)

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Propel your customer experience career and achieve better results in your business

If you work in a customer focused role and you’re looking to gain an award employers will recognise, our part-time Applied Customer Experience course could be ideal for you.

The value of good customer experience

Customer experience (CX) is the new marketing battlefront. Research suggests that by the end of 2019, CX is expected to be the leading or even sole basis for competition between companies*. Yet while expectations of the importance of CX are rising, CX budgets are not. Consistently good customer experiences are not yet the norm. Our ambition is to change that.

Why we’ve developed a course in Applied Customer Experience

We want to help more people create really good customer experiences and, as a result, see themselves develop their career in the subject. To achieve this, we’ve designed a course that you can take seriously. It blends robust academic studies, insight delivered by senior customer experience practitioners and immersive sessions with behavioural scientists and psychologists to really get you thinking.

*(Gartner: Key Findings From The Gartner Customer Experience Survey, 2018)

The course is part time on a Wednesday evening and runs over 10 weeks.

The cost is £950 (when you book 30 days in advance, £1,250 thereafter).

Register Now!

Author: Jo Robinson

Published On: 24th Jul 2019
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