Dials Vs DMC’s

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Dials Vs DMC’s

Does anyone have a general benchmark figure for agent Dials Vs Deciscion Maker contacts per hour for an outbound campaign?

I’ve checked my Merchents report and it’s not in there.

I think its about
15 dials and 7 DMC’s for B2C


10 dials to 7 DMC’s for B2B

But I may be wrong.

Any help appreciated.


Question asked by Dave


Sorry that should be

10 dials to 5 DMC for B2B

With thanks to Dave

Dials to DMC’s

Hi Dave,

Hope all well. Have experienced greater number of dials in SME marketplace.
15 to 5 DMC. Might have been the sector. What’s your target customer? Can maybe give you a better steer.



With thanks to Sharon

Author: Jonty Pearce

Published On: 12th Apr 2022 - Last modified: 3rd May 2022
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