Industry Standard for DMC Rate

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Does anyone know if there is a acceptable level or industry standard for DMC contact rate in a outbound non dialler environment for B2C please.

Question asked by cbryant

What is a DMC Rate?

DMC stands for Decision Maker Contact (DMC).  It is a term used in sales to or outbound calling to show the correct level of decision makers that you reach in a day or an hour.  So for example if you phone Mrs Smith who enquired about a contract and get straight through to her then that is a Decision Maker Contact (DMC).  If you called and reached an answer machine or reached Mrs Smith’s son, then that would not be a DMC.

No Standard Industry DMC Rate

I don’t believe there is a standard industry DMC rate as this KPI is driven by the financial return on investment required for the product being sold and the projected conversion rate of DMC to sale. Your ability to achieve the desired DMC rate relies on your ability to target outbound calling during the most receptive time of day for your customers.

As a general rule for B2C daytime calling in a non dialler environment a DMC target of 5 – 6 p/hr is achievable, for evening calling a DMC target of 8-10 p/hr is achievable.

In line with the need to focus more on cost per sale versus achieving required return on investment many companies have moved from using DMC as a KPI to focus on the sales per hour KPI but this works best when the cost per hour is fixed and not related to a ‘pay on sales/performance’ remuneration package to the call centre. If you are paying on a per sale basis then DMC is really not relevant.

With thanks to Janette

Author: Jonty Pearce

Published On: 12th Apr 2022 - Last modified: 21st Apr 2022
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