Staff Engagement Checklist

checklist map

The Three Keys to Engaging Employees

  1. Purpose – Do you work because you value the impact that your work has? If the outcome of our work meets our personal values, we’ll be much more engaged in the process of meeting those outcomes.
  2. Potential – Is the work that you are doing a stepping stone for your career goals? If we sense that our work is enhancing our potential and is helping us to meet future aspirations, we will care a lot more about the work we are doing.
  3. Play – Are you motivated by the work you are doing alone? If we work because we enjoy it and have the opportunity to contribute, be creative and experiment, we will be much happier to undertake the tasks that we’re assigned.

Checklist: How Well Are You Engaging Staff Through a Purpose?

Here are five key questions to ask yourself when considering how you use “purpose” as a tool for staff engagement:

  1. When coaching advisors, do we make a point of telling them why they need to do something, as well as how?
  2. Do we have any initiatives to bring staff together with customers off the phone?
  3. Do we share customer feedback with the advisor who handled their contact?
  4. Have we outlined a clear diversity and inclusion plan?
  5. Do we actively support any charities that support a more inclusive society?

Checklist: How Well Are You Engaging Staff Through Potential?

Here are five key questions to ask yourself when considering how you use “potential” as a tool for staff engagement:

  1. Do team leaders say thank you to advisors whenever they do something well?
  2. Do we make progression opportunities clear to staff members?
  3. Do we have mechanisms for listening to advisors’ ideas for how to improve the contact centre?
  4. Do advisors fully understand how their performance is assessed and do they have a say in it?
  5. Do we offer any mobile microlearning opportunities?

Checklist: How Well Are You Engaging Staff Through Play?

Here are five key questions to ask yourself when considering how you use “play” as a tool for staff engagement:

  1. Do we give staff the freedom to plan social events and motivational games?
  2. Do team leaders know their advisors’ hobbies outside of work?
  3. Do we give expert advisors the chance to share their expertise with the wider team?
  4. Do we make learning materials available in a variety of different formats?
  5. Have staff got any flexibility in their shift patterns, beyond shift swaps?
staff engagement checklist
Staff Engagement Checklist in Printable PowerPoint Format
Version: 2
Date Added: 14th June 2022
File Type: .pdf
File Size: 575 KB
Category: Tools
Download Link: Download

Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 15th Jul 2022
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