Recorded Webinar: Delivering a Consistent Multi-Channel Customer Experience


The number of contact centre channels has expanded dramatically across the past few years. And with it so has the complexity of delivering a customer experience.
In this webinar we look at practical steps that can be taken to deliver a consistent customer experience.

Topics Discussed

  • The latest trends in multi-channel contact
  • Phone, email, web chat, social media, video and traditional post
  • Joining conversations across channels
  • Consistent customer data
  • Consistent metrics on multi-channel
  • Use of technology
  • Top tips from the audience


Maria McCann - Headshot
Maria McCann
JoHo Ventures

Mary-Ann Millar - Headshot
Mary-Ann Millar

Jonty Pearce - Headshot
Jonty Pearce
Call Centre Helper

Author: Megan Jones

Published On: 12th Nov 2014 - Last modified: 28th Feb 2023
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