How to Overcome the Risks of an Outdated Contact Centre Infrastructure

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Remy Claret of Genesys discusses how you can move on from your existing contact centre systems, before introducing us to three new and exciting technologies.

Whether it’s a sagging, worn-out sofa or a well-loved car that’s in the shop more than it’s on the road, there are tried-and-true items that lose their functionality and need to be replaced. When it comes to legacy contact centre infrastructure, the decision to make a change is a big one.

However, it’s often the best way to overcome operational risks, limitations and escalating costs.

The High Cost of Doing Nothing

It is understandable to want to overlook the challenges of outdated contact centre technology. Moving to a new system is not a decision that can be made without considerable thought and planning. Yet you can’t diminish all the issues associated with taking a wait-and-see approach.

Security vulnerabilities often top this list when fixes stop being issued for a legacy PBX/ACD system. Entrusting critical information to an ageing system or an insecure application also causes compliance issues.

However, there are other concerns, including the rising costs of maintaining and bug-fixing end-of-support software, as well as poor performance and reliability. It’s all enough to keep you up at night.

Plan Your Next Step

Overcoming these challenges requires a plan that begins with simplifying infrastructure. By replacing a cumbersome system with the Genesys customer experience platform, you can end insomnia-inducing issues of disparate contact centre technologies and end-of-support products.

A simplified contact centre infrastructure with unified channels, tools, and interfaces reduces hassles and headaches. You’ll eliminate software incompatibilities, workarounds and security issues. And you can choose an on-premises, cloud or hybrid deployment with a flexible subscription or traditional licensing model.

Future-Proof Your Customer Experience

Along with overcoming legacy contact centre limitations, migrating from legacy contact centre technology enables you to have the infrastructure in place to keep up with rising customer expectations and evolving business needs.

As you continue to transform your customer experience, the open-standards infrastructure lets your business evolve at the pace that’s right for you and your customers.

Innovate and Transform Your Customer Experience

Here are three examples of “up and coming” contact centre technologies that will help you to make improvements to the customer journey.

Predictive Routing

Transform your customer experience with predictive routing, which offers the most granular match of customer attributes with employee knowledge and performance.

Predictive routing uses an AI-powered routing engine to build models from aggregated customer profiles based on factors like communication channel, products purchased and previous service requests.

These models are combined with agent profiles to predict the best match between customer and agent. The data models are continuously updated to improve future experiences.

Interaction Recording and Analytics

Gain complete interaction recording and analytics capabilities across all digital and voice channels.

Integrated with the customer experience platform, you can increase first contact resolution and ensure regulatory compliance by recording all interactions and every part of the conversation.

Remy Claret

Remy Claret

Next-gen Dialog Management

Build a bot that works on any channel with over 80 pre-built micro-apps for faster time to value. Using a Natural Language Processing (NLP) or a third-party engine, bots are evolving to more relationship-based actions, managing sequences of transactions and optimising journeys by helping customers navigate channels.

Author: Robyn Coppell

Published On: 3rd Sep 2018 - Last modified: 2nd Oct 2018
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