Recorded Webinar: Key Areas to Reduce Customer Effort


Customers want things to be easy. Contacting you in the call centre is, for most, not something they enjoy, but something they actively avoid.

So how can you make your contact centre experience effortless?

Effortless so customers have an easier experience when they contact you or – even better – effortless in that customers don’t have to contact you at all.

We will explore all of the tips and tricks to help you achieve both of these goals, helping you to create simple experiences that satisfy customers.


  • Introductions – Rachael Trickey, Call Centre Helper
  • Mark Gould, cp2experience
 Mark Gould slides from effort webinar

Click here to view the slides

  • Neil Titcomb, Odigo
 Neil Titcomb slides from effort webinar

Click here to view the slides

Topics Discussed

  • The value of a low effort contact centre experience
  • Where are the problem areas that lead to high customer effort?
  • Addressing these issues and making things easy
  • Measuring customer effort
  • More top tips for reducing customer effort
  • Top tips from the audience
  • Winning tip – “We use an ongoing ‘koi pond’ (like the US shark tank show, but without the big pitches) forum, in which anyone in the business can suggest an improvement to for instance reduce customer effort.Very often the most and best ideas come from those working in our contact centre, which helps drive engagement and empower the team.” thanks to Neil25

Original Webinar date: 12th November 2020

Webinar Timeline

0:15: Introductions – Rachael Trickey, Call Centre Helper
2:59: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “What is Your Most Important Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?”
4:56: Mark Gould, cp2experience Presentation
26:33: Take-aways from Mark’s presentation
28:05: Quiz
32:08: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
37:29: Neil Titcomb, Odigo Presentation
55:35: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
59:15: Winning Tip


Mark Gould - Headshot
Mark Gould
Neil Titcomb - Headshot
Neil Titcomb
Rachael Trickey - Headshot
Rachael Trickey
Call Centre Helper

Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 8th Nov 2020 - Last modified: 22nd Jul 2024
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