AI in the Contact Centre: 4 Things You Need Before You Launch

Robot bot operator holding vintage phone

Viki Patten at Evaluagent provides an overview of essential factors to consider when implementing AI in your contact centre.

So, you’re convinced AI is the next frontier for your contact centre. Exciting times! But before embarking on your AI journey, there are a few things you’ll need to have in place to prevent getting too ahead of yourself.

1. Supporting Infrastructure

This is a big one. Without solid processes, defined roles and responsibilities, and a reliable data infrastructure, your AI program isn’t going anywhere. AI is only as good as the data you put in, and it needs someone to be at the helm in order to drive success.

Similarly, if your processes are in need of some attention, or not yet documented, tackle these first. AI needs good foundations to be a success – now is a great time to assess how you can improve with AI, rather than doing things the way they’ve always been done.

2. Thorough Reporting

Robust reporting is essential. Not only to have a good idea of where your existing strengths and weaknesses are, but also to be able to sufficiently benchmark all your KPIs against where you are now.

That way, a few months after implementing AI, you’ll be able to see the impact clearly and gain stronger buy-in for expansion.

3. An Understanding of Your Tech Maturity

Understanding where you are on the maturity curve is an ideal starting point to nail down exactly what AI can help you do in your contact centre.


You have a need for more insights, and some quick-win manual processes that would benefit from being streamlined with AI and automation.


You’re familiar with using tech stacks and some automation to dive into data and enhance CX, but want to test AI and demonstrate improvement before investing more.


You are already using automation and AI and have seen success. Now, you’re ready to try more sophisticated technologies, like generative AI.

Where you sit on this scale will influence what sort of AI you might be looking to implement with this guide. Make sure the level of AI you’re looking at fits your organization’s goals and maturity. This is not the time to run before you can walk.

4. Know Your ‘Why?’

Finally, you need to have a clear idea of why you’re pursuing AI and what you believe it could do for your contact centre.

Trends and bandwagons are all well and good, but not when it comes to strategic decisions about contact centre investment.

When asked why you want to implement AI, your answer needs to be more considered than ‘Everyone else is doing it’.

It could be that you want to free up your people from menial work so they can spend more time on high-value tasks.

Perhaps you want to ensure compliance, and find those high-risk conversations. With AI, the world is your oyster, so you need to narrow it down.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of EvaluAgent – View the Original Article

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Author: EvaluAgent

Published On: 2nd Jul 2024 - Last modified: 22nd Oct 2024
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