Case Study: CLICKD Solutions Improves QA

QA checkmark with stars - quality control concept

Unlocking Tangible QA and Compliance Results for Clients with EvaluAgent


CLICKD Solutions is a specialist provider of quality assurance and call monitoring services, formed to support the increasingly complex compliance needs of today’s customer-facing organizations.

Bringing deep compliance expertise gained from years working across the insolvency, claims, financial services, and customer service sectors, CLICKD’s team of consultants are ideally placed to offer a comprehensive quality assurance service.

Going beyond regulatory quality assurance compliance, CLICKD works with clients to create and deliver bespoke training solutions.

These are backed by employee-facing feedback and focused reporting to help ensure that compliance is embedded into evolving customer service processes.

The result is that CLICKD helps clients by taking away the operational burden of quality assurance – providing organizations with the re-assurance they need that their activities are compliant with regulatory requirements and that their staff are delivering a quality service.

While CLICKD gets on with organizing and delivering the QA function for clients on their terms, they can focus their efforts on other key corporate activities.

What are the Main Challenges That Your Customers Face?

“For many organizations, quality assurance is often seen as a necessary evil – something that you need to keep the regulator satisfied and your staff broadly on track from a customer service perspective,” explained Neil Coleman, Managing Director at CLICKD Solutions.

“Full-time, in-house compliance teams can prove expensive, particularly if they’re still running their QA function through spreadsheets. This always proves time-consuming and limits the amount of agent conversations that can be carried out each day – leading to very limited coverage.

“We know that effective call monitoring and staff feedback can make a big difference here, but this takes a real commitment for many businesses – both in terms of internal resources and skills.

That’s why at CLICKD we are focused on providing clients with access to proven and expert compliance and training capabilities.

This enables them to plug-in an effective, bespoke QA resource that not only addresses their current needs but that can also grow with them as their compliance requirements evolve,” continued Neil.

“However, as the CLICKD business gathered momentum, we knew we would need to find ways to improve the productivity of our team. Traditionally we have always taken client scripts, analyzed them, and flipped this into precise scorecards based around their QA requirements,” he said.

“But when that scales up to hundreds of calls it’s potentially challenging to do this kind of volume in a spreadsheet form,” he added. “It’s then that we started to have conversations about deploying a digital QA platform to support our activities.

For CLICKD, the idea of partially automating the evaluation of conversations and the creation of scorecards was initially challenging. Neil acknowledges that he was probably one of the main barriers.

“Having spent my life delivering bespoke quality assurance packages for clients, I’ve always been used to scoring things my way. It was hard for me to see how this kind of deep expertise could be replicated in a packaged software solution.

As a QA consultant you always assume you know best creating scorecards! Fortunately, I was persuaded to take a look at the evaluagent demo – we tried it out, and I could see how it could really work for CLICKD.”

Putting EvaluAgent to Work for CLICKD and its Clients

Following a successful trial, CLICKD deployed evaluagent’s powerful Quality Assurance platform to help optimize QA performance for its clients.

The CLICKD team liked how the cloud-based, digital platform could provide 24/7 access to call monitoring results, with customized dashboards available to meet specific client requirements.

“We liked the flexibility and ease-of-use that the evaluagent solution provided, and it was great to be able to access results via our smartphones. It was also clear that we could deliver results much more quickly than traditional spreadsheets,” said Neil.

“But what we especially liked was that we could engage directly with the evaluagent development team and fine-tune the solution to align it even more closely with how CLICKD works.

We score slightly differently, and we were quickly able to reflect this in the software. The result is that we’re getting to work with what’s effectively a CLICKD portal – even though it’s powered by evaluagent!”

Turning the Lights on with EvaluAgent

For one CLICKD customer, the difference that comes from working with evaluagent has been significant. With 80 agents in place and plans to expand to 100, the QA process was taking too long, with around three months’ spreadsheet work leading to reams and reams of data and no real visibility.

Switching to the CLICKD portal involved some initial evaluation and setting up, but the evaluagent platform was able to deliver their first meaningful QA findings in just four hours, with the CLICKD team able to go back to the client with three performance trends that hadn’t been surfaced before.

According to Neil: “they said it was like switching the lights on in a really dark room, with patterns immediately visible and QA able to deliver the kind of informed analysis that can lead directly to performance improvements.”

More Effective Reporting for Clients

A great example of how this works in practice is how CLICKD can now deliver QA reporting and insights for clients.

“Previously we completed QA audits manually with spreadsheets and then spent anything up to three days completing comprehensive, insightful reports detailing QA trends and any potential anomalies,” he continued.

“But as we began to scale the business this approach really wasn’t sustainable. With evaluagent though we are able to completely reshape how we deliver QA reporting for clients.

Instead of having to wait while CLICKD consultants take days to compile a complex matrix of QA information based on detailed scorecards, evaluagent now does most of this for us – and pretty much all the stuff we need is there.

“This also means we are actually delivering what our clients need. They don’t want to pay for days and days of traditional QA activity – they really just need the informed insights and recommendations that we can extract from the evaluagent engine,” said Neil.

“With evaluagent in place we can now get on with delivering the QA process for clients, providing them with updates, and communicating directly when there are issues that need their specific attention.

And from the client perspective, the speed and visibility makes the job a lot easier – they can see what’s going on, and they can actually start to have much more of an impact.”

Helping QA Teams to Handle the Impact of Consumer Duty

And with the Financial Conduct Authority’s Consumer Duty regulatory compliance framework now in place for new and existing financial services products, Neil Coleman believes there will be pressure on QA teams to ensure that their firms are giving the right standards of care to customers in retail financial markets.

“Consumer Duty introduces clear requirements for compliance and monitoring customer interactions, and firms simply can’t address this if they continue with their legacy compliance and QA processes.

“So Consumer Duty has become much more of a focus for QA discussions, and it’s re-assuring to know that evaluagent’s ability to automate compliance checks and increase QA coverage to 100% across every call, chat and ticket can give us much of the analytics and auto-scoring we need,” he continued.

“From a CLICKD perspective we’re certainly getting more and more conversations asking for help with Consumer Duty, so anything that can help to reduce the QA administrative burden is certainly going to be helpful.”

EvaluAgent in One Sentence

“With evaluagent it’s not just about the digital platform. It’s as much about the quality of the people – they take QA seriously, and they’re completely committed to helping CLICKD achieve for our clients through a QA engine that is accessible and always delivers useful, tangible insights.” Neil Coleman, Managing Director, CLICKD Solutions

Next Steps for CLICKD and EvaluAgent

Challenges such as Consumer Duty compliance illustrate the importance for CLICKD of being able to scale its QA, compliance, and training capabilities.

“I know evaluagent will continue to help us in growing our operations – but always in a way that ensures that CLICKD can deliver a distinctive QA proposition for clients,” said Neil.

“Our blend of expert QA consultancy supported by the evaluagent engine means we can take clients beyond their initial QA compliance frustrations.

The result is that they get to see how effective call monitoring, coupled with subsequent staff-facing feedback and focused reporting, can deliver real value for their business.”

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EvaluAgent EvaluAgent provide software and services that help contact centres engage and motivate their staff to deliver great customer experiences.

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Author: EvaluAgent

Published On: 31st Aug 2023
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