A Repeat Call is Most Likely to be Caused by an Agent


According to our poll, 61% of contact centre professionals  believe that the most likely reason for a repeat call is agent performance.

Other commonly selected reasons were process failures (54%) and the need to involve other departments (47%).

Poll – “A Repeat Call is Most Likely to be Caused by…” – answers

(Multiple answers were allowed during this poll, so the total does not add up to 100%.)

Source: Call Centre Helper webinar: Improving First Contact Resolution   Sample size – 148     Date: October 2014

Author: Megan Jones

Published On: 7th Jan 2015 - Last modified: 24th Sep 2019
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1 Comment
  • This is a really interesting result. I’ve been thinking about it and I concluded that I would call “agent” a symptom rather than a cause.

    Agent failure being a symptom of poor leadership, inadequate training, systems not for for purpose, failure of recruitment process etc. It would be fascinating to get behind the symptom to really understand the failure.

    Dougie Cameron 13 Jan at 16:46