Recorded Webinar: 10 Predictions for 2021


2020 was a testing year for everyone. But what can contact centres expect from 2021?

How can you stay ahead of the game? How can you best invest your time and energy for the year ahead?

In this webinar, we will predict how key industry trends will rise and fall in 2021, helping you to navigate the tricky “new normal” to the best of your ability.


  • Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
  • Martin Hill-Wilson, Brainfood Extra
 Martin Hill-Wilson slides from predictions webinar

Click here to view the slides

Topics Discussed

  • The latest contact centre trends
  • How COVID-19 continues to change the industry
  • What’s falling by the wayside?
  • What should you now be prioritising?
  • Insights into modern contact centre innovations
  • Predictions from the audience
  • Winning tip – “Customer expectations have changed throughout 2020 due to the pandemic and delays have been largely accommodated. In 2021 customers patience is now wearing thin and we will see a large increase in dissatisfaction and complaints for companies who don’t get things right first time and efficiently.” Thanks to Scott37

Original Webinar date: 14th January 2021

Webinar Timeline

0:34: Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
4:00: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “What do you Expect to Happen will Contact Volumes?”
6:47: Martin Hill-Wilson, Brainfood Extra Presentation
11:42: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “What Percentage of Your Contact Volumes are Currently Through Digital Channels? (Email, Webchat, Messaging and Social)”
33:33: Quiz
38:47: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
43:24: Martin Hill-Wilson, Brainfood Extra Presentation
57:13: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “Which One of the Predictions did you like Best?”
59:13: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
1:00:54: Winning Tip


Martin Hill-Wilson - Headshot
Martin Hill-Wilson
Brainfood Extra
Jonty Pearce - Headshot
Jonty Pearce
Call Centre Helper

Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 4th Jan 2021 - Last modified: 22nd Jul 2024
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