Recorded Webinar: Innovative Best Practices for First Contact Resolution


First Contact Resolution (FCR) is a metric on the rise. It’s at the top of the agenda for many managers.

Why? It is a great way to measure a problem from the customer’s perspective and to highlight broken contact centre processes.

In this, our 300th webinar we will discuss how you can best use FCR to improve contact centre performance with many innovative best practices.


 Justin Robbins slides from FCR webinar

Click here to view the slides

 Martin Hill-Wilson slides from FCR webinar

Click here to view the slides

 Kristyn Emenecker slides from FCR webinar

Click here to view the slides

Topics Discussed

  • How to best define and measure FCR
  • How NOT to use FCR
  • Best practices for improving FCR
  • How to make positive changes to people and process
  • The role of technology
  • Top tips from the audience
  • Winning tip – “Controversially….FCR means nothing if the agent journey is too difficult to navigate.. how can the agent give a great experience if their own experience is terrible. Get the agent journey right and FCR should be the natural outcome instead of chasing it like an out-of-reach target “ thanks to Kelly34

Original Webinar date: 4th November 2021


Justin Robbins - Headshot
Justin Robbins
Call Centre Consultant
Martin Hill-Wilson - Headshot
Martin Hill-Wilson
Brainfood Extra
Kristyn Emenecker - Headshot
Kristyn Emenecker
Jonty Pearce - Headshot
Jonty Pearce
Call Centre Helper

Author: Jonty Pearce

Published On: 29th Oct 2021 - Last modified: 25th Apr 2024
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