Improve Your Training Program With Work-From-Home Agents

Filed under - Guest Blogs,
As the world was turned upside down when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, companies scrambled to adapt to a work-from-home and remote workforce. Traditional in-person tasks were required to be completed from home, and employers and employees alike struggled to adjust.
Although the pandemic is still a constant in our daily lives, a year has gone by and we are now able to reflect on our new normal. For many, the adjustment to a blended workforce (a combination of work-from-home and on-location agents) may have been an unexpected change, but data shows we are not only adapting but seeing organizational improvements and successes.A large disruption was felt for trainers as they learned how to onboard and train newcomers without the in-person communications and classroom setting. However, studies now show that traditional classroom-style training is less effective than scenario-based and virtual setups. Although we may soon be able to go back to how we did things before, does that mean we should?

Let’s take a look at how you can take advantage of a remote workforce and improve your existing training program.

Refresh Your Training Materials.

  • Periods of change are a great opportunity to pause and review the materials you may use every day. You’ll want to look at your processes with a fresh set of eyes, and ask questions like:
    • “Is this procedure the most up-to-date version?”
    • “Does it work for both on location and remote workers?”
    • “What questions will new agents have after reading this? What can be added?”
  • Since work-from-home agents won’t have immediate access to their desk neighbour to tap on the shoulder, they’ll be relying on the materials you provide them for help when they need it. Make sure the information isn’t too text-heavy. Short blurbs of information are most effective for retention.
  • Remote workers often won’t have the option to lug home binders of information for training. The information they need should be kept somewhere easily accessible, so they can access it when they need it the most.

Re-evaluate Your Format.

If you aren’t taking advantage of scenario-based learning already, then now is the time. Lecture-style training is officially out of date. Trainees have a hard time paying attention to in-person lectures; video chats only make it easier to drift off. Scenario-based learning is an accelerated learning technique using real-life, interactive situations that employees may encounter on the job. There are countless benefits reported from scenario-based training programs, such as:

  • Increased learner engagement and knowledge retention
  • Increased time to proficiency
  • More confident and satisfied employees

Review the Results.

Compare the KPIs and data of your centre’s old training program against the newly revised one. You should notice increased efficiency overall, happier agents, and higher CSAT scores.

Author: Guest Author

Published On: 8th May 2021 - Last modified: 19th Jul 2022
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