Mpathy Plus


Mpathy Plus are customer service and contact experts, supporting clients with our consultancy services in all areas of customer experience, customer service and contact centres.

Contact Name: Martin Jukes

Tel No: 08450 569800

Contact Email:


Mpathy Plus are customer service and contact experts, supporting clients with our consultancy services in all areas of customer experience, customer service and contact centres. We have the experience, expertise and resources to transform your service, improve your performance and support your operational teams.

We are knowledgeable, practical and flexible in delivering what our customers need at both strategic and operational levels.

Our Transformation work includes strategic planning, implementing major change and specifying technology and service requirements

Delivering a great service in an efficient and effective manner is essential and we review performance across a wide range of elements including people, process, technology and the environment. We make recommendations for improvement that will make a difference and give a return.

We often find clients who need a little extra support and our services here range from Interim Management, mentoring and support through to Training and Coaching.

Our flexible approach enables us to work with our clients to develop the outcomes that they require for their customers. We are professional but friendly, honest and empathic but most of all driven to develop lasting relationships.

Social Media:

Twitter Handle: @mpathyplus

Address: Number Three, Tannery Close, Martley, Worcestershire, WR6 6SD


Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 26th Jun 2019 - Last modified: 16th Nov 2023
Read more about - Call Centre Directory, Consultancy,

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