Talkdesk has ranked at 33 in G2’s 2020 list for Best Software Companies and 39 in the list of Fastest Growing Companies.
G2 is the top online review site, having collected 383,749 new software reviews in 2019 and bringing the total number to over a million.

Tiago Paiva
“Talkdesk is purpose-built on a modern, cloud-native architecture that enables us to deliver new features and functionality which sets us apart within the Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) industry,”said Tiago Paiva, chief executive officer, Talkdesk.
“We are honoured to be recognized by G2 as a leader and an industry disruptor that is changing the game in customer service.”
Building outstanding customer experience (CX) and creating positive disruption across the contact centre solutions industry is what drives Talkdesk every single day.
The heart and soul of Talkdesk is to help our customers make CX a competitive advantage across markets, with a lifelong mission to end bad customer service.
More than 1,800 customers in 75 countries rely on Talkdesk to power their contact centers and end bad customer service.
Talkdesk prides itself on its fast pace of innovation, accompanied by the industry’s first 100% Uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA) and cloud-native architecture that includes powerful AI-infused capabilities.
This news story has been re-published by kind permission of Talkdesk – View the original post
This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of Talkdesk – View the Original Article
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Author: Talkdesk
Published On: 25th Apr 2020 - Last modified: 27th Apr 2020
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