Contact Centre Efficiency: 9 Strategies for Improvement

compass with the word efficiency on it.

While traditionally seen as a cost centre, contact centres are increasingly being viewed as revenue multipliers – both in terms of short-term opportunities and long-term customer retention and relationships.

Either way, there is always scope for improving the efficiency of your cost centre and ensuring that your investment in this area results in a major return.

We’ll look at contact centre efficiency, including common inefficiencies and 9 leading strategies to improve contact centre efficiency.

What Is Contact Centre Efficiency?

Contact centre efficiency refers to how effectively a call or customer service centre handles customer interactions with minimal waste of resources.

It involves managing and improving various factors such as the speed of answering calls, the quality of customer service provided, and the use of technology to streamline operations.

An efficient contact centre not only resolves customer issues quickly but also ensures high customer satisfaction and lower operating costs. The goal is to maximize productivity and effectiveness in handling inquiries and support requests.

How Is Contact Centre Efficiency Measured?

Contact centre efficiency is measured using specific metrics that evaluate how well the centre manages customer interactions. Key metrics include:

  • Average Handle Time (AHT): the total average duration of a single interaction, including talk time and related tasks.
  • First Call Resolution (FCR): the percentage of calls resolved without needing a follow-up.
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT): a score that reflects how satisfied customers are with their interaction.
  • Occupancy Rate: the percentage of time agents spend handling calls versus waiting for calls.
  • Service Level: the percentage of calls answered within a specific timeframe.

These metrics help managers understand the effectiveness of their operations and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Common Inefficiencies in Contact Centres

To optimize contact centre efficiency, it’s essential first to identify the inefficiencies that contact centres face. Below are some common challenges to contact centre efficiency:

  • High Average Handle Time: This occurs when calls take longer than necessary, often due to unprepared agents or complex procedures, leading to increased wait times and costs.
  • Low First Call Resolution Rates: If agents frequently require multiple calls to resolve a customer’s issue, it indicates inefficiencies in training or information access, negatively impacting customer satisfaction.
  • Inadequate Training: Insufficient training can prevent agents from effectively resolving issues, leading to longer handle times and decreased customer satisfaction.
  • Lack of Performance Incentives: Without incentives to perform better, agents might lack motivation, resulting in poorer service quality and lower overall centre efficiency.
  • Poorly Defined Processes: A lack of clear and streamlined processes can lead to confusion among agents, inconsistencies in customer service, and increased error rates.
  • Disengagement: When contact centre agents don’t feel motivated or engaged in their work, inefficiencies can start and continue to fester.
  • Outdated Technology: Using outdated systems can slow down call handling, limit communication channels, and reduce the overall effectiveness of customer service.

9 Improvement Strategies for Contact Centre Efficiency

These strategies are proven to boost contact centre efficiency and beat any inefficiencies that might be creeping into your processes:

1. Get Gamified

Gamification brings game mechanics (e.g., leaderboards, points, levels, badges, etc.) into non-game contexts, such as a contact centre workflow, to improve engagement and performance.

Gamification offers significant benefits: 89% of employees say they would be more productive if work were more game-like, and 72% think that gamification motivates them to work harder.

One example of gamification in action: a contact centre could introduce a point-based system where agents earn points for achieving targets like low handle times and high customer satisfaction scores, which could be exchanged for real-life rewards.

2. Offer a Consistent and Inclusive Employee Experience

Whether your organization has an in-office, remote, or hybrid work model, ensuring your employees have a consistent experience is key to an efficient workflow.

When agents have the same opportunities for learning and development and managers are consistent across teams, the overall organization flow is much more efficient, leading to improved employee and customer experiences.

3. Integrate Cross-Training Programs

Cross-training agents across different products and services can lead to more flexible agents and quicker issue resolution.

In one example of this, a multi-service cable and internet provider implemented a cross-training strategy that enabled agents to handle both billing and technical support, which improved first call resolution rates and reduced the need for transfers.

4. Encourage a Culture of Continuous Feedback

Encouraging a culture where agents receive regular feedback and are involved in continuous improvement processes can enhance efficiency and adaptability.

5. Develop a Strategic Approach to Customer Interaction

Formulating a strategic approach involves analyzing customer interaction data to identify trends and creating targeted strategies to improve service.

Consider the following steps:

  • Segment customers based on their interaction history and preferences to offer more personalized service.
  • Analyze call data to identify common issues and develop specialized scripts or procedures to address these efficiently.
  • Establish clear objectives for different customer segments, such as increasing satisfaction for high-value customers or streamlining support for common queries.
  • Integrate customer feedback into strategic planning to continuously refine and improve interaction strategies.
  • Train agents on the strategic importance of their roles and how their interactions align with broader business goals.

6. Provide Real-Time Coaching

Implementing real-time coaching tools that provide agents with instant feedback can significantly enhance performance by correcting issues as they occur.

This can be seen in the example of a technology company that integrated a real-time monitoring system that alerts supervisors when a call is going off-script or when an agent struggles.

This allows immediate intervention to guide the agent back on track, thus improving the overall quality of interactions.

7. Establish a Knowledge Management System

A centralized knowledge management system provides agents immediate access to necessary and accurate information about products and protocols, leading to reduced handle times, improved response accuracy, and quicker resolutions.

8. Harness Data Analytics for Strategic Contact Centre Efficiency Insights

Leveraging data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences can help contact centres anticipate needs and optimize their interactions accordingly.

9. Leverage AI

Bringing artificial intelligence (AI) into the frontline workflow can boost contact centre efficiency in many areas. For instance, incorporating AI-powered microlearning can optimize training and development processes.

AI can detect knowledge and skill gaps and deliver relevant learning modules. Additionally, generative AI can make learning content creation much more efficient and scalable, reducing delays.


We’ve just reviewed some basics around contact centre efficiency, diving into factors blocking processes and how contact centres can counter these challenges.

By driving contact centre efficiency, organizations can meet their goals and achieve their objectives much faster and with less resource investment required.

Some key takeaways:

Common challenges to contact centre efficiency include inadequate training, disengaged employees, poorly defined processes, and outdated technology.

Incorporating elements such as gamification, cross-training programs, continuous feedback, augmented coaching, and AI can greatly increase efficiency in contact centres.

Gamification is a proven strategy for engaging and motivating frontline employees, including contact centre agents, and driving desired behaviors over the long term.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of Centrical – View the Original Article

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About Centrical

Centrical Centrical provides a real-time performance management, microlearning, gamification, coaching, and voice of the employee platform for frontline teams. The solution inspires and personally guides employee success and growth by making every moment actionable.

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Call Centre Helper is not responsible for the content of these guest blog posts. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of Call Centre Helper.

Author: Centrical

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