RAM Tracking Avoids Disruption During COVID-19 Crisis

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RAM Tracking has transitioned employees from working in the contact centre to their homes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The provider of GPS vehicle tracking systems chose the Vonage Contact Center to help transform its sales operations, increase conversion rates and improve business efficiencies, while delivering a better customer experience.

The company was built on the principles of customer service excellence and technical innovation and has over 80,000 GPS vehicle tracking units on the road for more than 10,000 customers, making it a market leader in the industry.

With the contact centre traditionally operating in an office environment, in the wake of COVID-19, RAM Tracking’s business continuity plan required:

  • All 80 employees in the UK and Canada to work from home overnight
  • Remote access to all data and customer records
  • A 360-degree view of the customer
  • Redirection of calls to remote agents and the ability to redeploy to other remote departments
  • Call recordings conducted and accessed remotely

With the Vonage Contact Center, RAM Tracking was able to transition all employees from working at the office to their homes overnight. Using home computers or new laptops sourced by RAM Tracking, employees were able to continue using the Vonage solution and seamlessly serve customers remotely.

Chris McClellan, CEO and Founder of RAM Tracking, said: “It’s vital for us to be able to deliver a continuous, effective service when the unexpected happens. Unplanned events can have a serious impact on a business’s operations, so continuity planning is crucial to ensure the contact centre can run smoothly in all eventualities.”

“The Vonage Contact Centre is now being used by employees at home as effectively as it would be in the office – RAM Tracking has a 360-degree view of the customer, can transfer calls between remote agents, track, log and record all calls. We’re finding that productivity is even higher with a remote workforce, without the distractions of the office.”

McClellan continues: “Without Vonage for our sales and customer service team, which is about 75 percent of our business, it would have been extremely difficult if not impossible to continue operating remotely. With our contact centre running successfully, we can now focus on the handling of other on-site activities.”

“Contact centres play a key role in supporting customers as they are often the first line of defence. And in uncertain times, it’s vital for businesses to stay connected with customers without disruption,” said Rodolpho Cardenuto, President, Vonage Applications Group.

“We’re pleased that the Vonage Contact Center can enable organizations like RAM Tracking to easily operate remotely while delivering the best possible customer experience.”

For more information about RAM Tracking, visit their website: www.ramtracking.com

A Real-Time Window Into the Contact Centre

Vonage’s Contact Center provides managers at RAM Tracking with a real-time window into the entire operation, regardless of employee location, making it easy to manage remote employees.

In addition, customizable reports with rich data allow the company to identify opportunities for improvement.

RAM Tracking also benefits from call recording, which provides meaningful insight into performance and helps the company train and develop employees. Recordings are stored in its CRM platform and can be securely accessed from any location.

RAM Tracking makes more than half a million outbound sales calls and receives more than 75,000 inbound service calls each year. Calls cover all aspects of RAM Tracking’s business, from service to sales and accounts, with the Vonage solution offering insight into the entire operation.

Since implementation of Vonage Contact Center, CSAT and NPS results are up to 70 percent and pipeline has increased by 47 percent.

McClellan adds: “RAM Tracking also benefits from a complete view of all activity, whether in the UK or Canada. Seeing call data in real time enables us to react as needed, whether that’s looking at which calls have been most effective or resolving any issues that might emerge.”

Author: Robyn Coppell

Published On: 17th Apr 2020 - Last modified: 23rd Apr 2020
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