Recorded Webinar: AI Trends to Keep an Eye On


There are many uses for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the contact centre, whether that’s in capturing data from customer interactions or replacing IVR processes.

But, which options might work best for your contact centre and which AI technologies are not yet living up to their potential?

In this webinar, we cut through the noise and investigate the trends in how contact centres are starting to use AI-based technologies and the benefits they’re realising from their innovative strategies.


  • Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
  • Dr David Naylor, Humanotics
David Naylor slides

Click here to view the slides

  • Miguel Caetano, Talkdesk
Miguel Caetano slides

Click here to view the slides

Topics Discussed

  • The uses of AI in the contact centre
  • How are contact centres using AI right now?
  • Preparing your contact centre for AI
  • The future contact centre and the role of AI
  • Are certain AI technologies not living up to their potential?
  • Top tips from the audience
  • Winning tip – “I work in the tax industry in the US and we are getting lots of contacts regarding COVID-19 and the stimulus package etc. We have added a message to the beginning of the IVR as well as all emails referring customers to a URL with up to date information on how COVID-19 affects their taxes.
    We are hoping this will cut down on some agent contacts.”“to be confirmed.”thanks to Laura51

Original Webinar date: 26th March 2020

Webinar Timeline

0:32: Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
3:20: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “When will Chatbots Appear in Your Contact Centre?”
6:41: Dr David Naylor, Humanotics Presentation
18:44: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “What is Your Biggest Driver for Implementing AI?”
34:49: Take-aways from David’s presentation
35:39: Quiz
39:21: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
43:57: Miguel Caetano, Talkdesk Presentation
1:00:53: Take-aways from Miguel’s presentation
1:01:21: Winning Tip


Dr David Naylor - Headshot
Dr David Naylor
Miguel Caetano - Headshot
Miguel Caetano
Jonty Pearce - Headshot
Jonty Pearce
Call Centre Helper

Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 16th Mar 2020 - Last modified: 22nd Jul 2024
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