COVID-19: Contact Centre Communications and the New Norm

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Orla Clancy of Spearline shares her thoughts on how best to lead a contact centre through these difficult times.

During the past few weeks, I have been tuning into webcasts and webinars to gain and share industry insights from around the world in these unprecedented times. Each time, I’ve observed a sense of community on a global scale that has emerged from the COVID-19 crisis, as experts are openly sharing opinions and advice on best practices when it comes to corporate communications.

Those who, not long ago, were competitors are now akin to colleagues in a wider sense as we are all part of the same new norm.

Without a doubt, the resounding advice in the communications industry, when it comes to all forms of business communication, is to ensure that messaging is reflective and considerate of the current climate.

For brands, whether organizations are still open, have scaled back or have temporarily closed, it is important, now more than ever, to be empathetic, show the value of connections, and continue developing relationships with key stakeholders.

For team members within organizations such as contact centres, it’s a reminder for everyone to sing from the same hymn sheet in their communications.

To achieve consistency in any organization during the pandemic, when communicating with stakeholders it is advisable to either directly or indirectly acknowledge COVID-19; lead with care and concern – ignoring the crisis completely is not advised; tailor marketing, sales or other promotional communications to ensure it is sensitive to the current environment; provide relatable information; show empathy and understanding, and refer to reliable external sources.

Research shows the media is the most trusted entity for sources of information.

As we continue to work in a changing world, open dialogue is vital for organizations in relation to communication with both internal and external audiences. Being connected with peers, colleagues, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders will make all the difference while we continue to adapt to the new norm.

Orla Clancy

Orla Clancy

The traditional phone call and online networks are fundamental for staying connected in today’s world. Call connectivity, and telecommunications networks of the highest standard, are increasingly important as contact centres operate from home environments.

Maintaining and nurturing relationships is not only good for business but also helps combat isolation. And, ultimately, we will all benefit as these uncertain times hopefully lead to better times.

For further information about Spearline, visit:

Author: Robyn Coppell

Published On: 30th Mar 2020 - Last modified: 25th Jan 2023
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