How to Integrate Emotion Into Customer Relationships

A puzzle illustration with emotion faces

In an ever-changing market, emotion is a central element that can make all the difference. Brands are increasingly aware of the impasse into which traditional communication schemes have plunged them and understand that mass personalization is not enough to establish lasting relationships with their customers.

Indeed, 80% of CX managers explain that they plan to initiate the measurement of customer emotions, as cited in Zendesk’s 2023 Study on measuring customer emotions.

When a customer experience evokes positive emotions, such as joy, confidence, or satisfaction, it becomes engraved in the consumer’s memory. This memory then guides future decisions and influences brand loyalty.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of emotion in customer relations, how to identify and understand customer emotions, strategies for managing emotions in customer relations and finally, the 5 proofs of emotional impact on customer relations.

  1. The importance of emotion in customer relations
  2. Identifying and understanding customer emotions
  3. The impact of emotions on the customer experience
  4. Strategies for managing emotions in customer relations
  5. The 5 proofs of emotional impact on customer relations
  6. Sentiment analysis with an Artificial Intelligence solution

1. The Importance of Emotion in Customer Relations

Brands are aware of the impasse in which they are trapped by traditional communication schemes, characterized by their rigidity and normativity.

Even large-scale personalization is struggling to overcome this reality. The conversational register, imbued with emotion, is emerging as the way forward.

Everything a person remembers and the behaviors they adopt are intrinsically linked to the emotions they have experienced.

These emotions shape memories. When an experience surprises, amuses, satisfies, or even worries them, an emotion is imprinted deep in their mind.

This memory will guide their future decisions, influencing their behavior when confronted with similar situations.

For brands, the challenge lies in creating lasting customer memories, a key factor in a competitive environment where offers abound.

Some brands, such as Michel et Augustin, BlaBlaCar, and Zappos, already excel in this emotional approach.

However, many others are only just beginning to understand that, despite their optimization, buying paths leave little room for memorable moments. Many of them only consider customers’ needs or problems, neglecting positive emotions.

Indeed, customer relations often remain focused on managing unhappy customers, neglecting positive emotions such as amusement, surprise, well-being, and the feeling of being valued.

This preconceived approach limits the effectiveness of customer relations. However, by adopting a constructive emotional approach, brands can differentiate themselves by creating more meaningful relationships.

Showing customers that they matter is the key to building long-term loyalty. Brands have the opportunity to behave with their customers as they would with friends, taking the initiative to contact them for no particular reason, simply to exchange ideas and maintain a genuine relationship.

This approach, common in the luxury sector with Sales Associates but rarely seen in other sectors, has many advantages. It’s time for brands to rethink their customer relationships and invest in emotion to build solid, lasting relationships.

2. Identifying and Understanding Customer Emotions

Methods for Identifying Emotions in Customer Relations

When it comes to successful customer relations, understanding emotions plays a key role. Choose the most precise words to study your customers’ emotions.

Closed-ended, multiple-choice questions can provide precise data on the emotions a customer feels when interacting with a brand.

Associating their experience with emotions, whether by generating positive emotions in customers or studying negative ones, helps to Humanize the Relationship.


One method of identifying emotions is through barometers.

A barometer in customer relations is a tool for measuring and analyzing customers’ emotional reactions. They provide a systematic approach to quantifying emotional responses, often in the context of customer interaction activities.


Opting for structured questionnaires, such as multiple-choice questions, provides precise, quantifiable data on the emotions aroused by interactions with a brand.

Satisfaction Surveys

Satisfaction surveys are an essential tool in this process, providing a structured framework for evaluating customers’ feelings and emotional reactions in detail.

The key to successful customer relationships lies in the ability to understand and manage emotions, both those of the team and those of your customers.

Techniques such as using Artificial Intelligence to analyze emotional attitudes can be employed, enabling better anticipation of customers’ emotional reactions.

By exploring emotional subtleties and non-obvious patterns, AI provides in-depth insights that go beyond the declarative.

3. The Impact of Emotions on the Customer Experience

Creating a successful customer relationship goes beyond mere satisfaction. Emotions have a powerful impact on customer loyalty.

By understanding and manoeuvring emotions, a company can enhance the emotional customer experience, generating positive emotions in their customers.

Humanizing the customer relationship through fine-tuned emotional analysis creates a deeper connection with customers.

To create a customer relationship through emotions, advisors need to act like alchemists, transmuting negative emotions into positive ones.

This skill can be developed through appropriate training, covering personal emotion management, conversational techniques, and decoding emotions and behaviors.

4. Strategies for Managing Emotions in Customer Relations

Beyond simply meeting the customer’s needs, it’s the advisor’s interpersonal skills and ability to manage emotions, both their own and those of the customer, that make the difference.

Examples of Techniques for Dealing Effectively With Negative Emotions

Managing negative emotions in a contact centre requires appropriate strategies. Advisors need to be trained to recognize customer behaviors, for example, by identifying KPAM’s 10 typical disgruntled consumer behaviors.

Here’s a list of 3 typical disgruntled customer behaviors you might encounter.

The Negotiator

The negotiator is a person whose main motivation is material and financial. He seeks to optimize every financial aspect of a transaction, not hesitating to discuss every detail, calling for prudence and budgetary rigor.

If you face the negotiator :

  • Establish clear, transparent communication on costs and rates right from the start.
  • Prepare solid arguments to justify costs and explain the value of services or products.
  • Emphasize the long-term financial benefits for the customer to underline the long-term value.

The Pretender

An affabulator is someone who, in their communications, seems to exaggerate or distort the reality of what has happened to them. He or she may embellish facts or dramatize a situation to elicit a specific reaction or response.

When approached by a pretender :

  • Listen attentively and empathize with her concerns, even if they seem exaggerated.
  • Ask open-ended questions to elicit more specific details about your customer’s experience.
  • Use positive language to create an environment of trust and encourage honest communication.

The Storyteller

The storyteller is a person who shares his or her story in detail, often focusing on seemingly insignificant details that are of great importance to him or her.

Facing the storyteller:

  • Ask probing questions to demonstrate a real commitment to his story.
  • Personalize communication by using specific details he’s shared to strengthen the connection.
  • Express interest and enthusiasm for his story, showing an understanding of the importance he places on details.

When tension arises, soothing communication methods, such as the use of reassuring words, are essential.

These techniques, combined with a keen understanding of the customer’s emotions, form an arsenal for defusing delicate situations.

The Impact of Good Emotional Management on the Overall Customer Experience

Emotional Management plays a key role in the overall customer experience, and its positive impact is often reflected in a significant reduction in churn rates.

In fact, according to a Bain & Company study published in 2018 on involving emotions in loyalty programs, a 5% improvement in customer retention can boost profits by 25% to 55%.

Advisors, acting as emotional alchemists, can transform negative experiences into positive ones. This transformation creates a lasting emotional connection between customers and the brand.

Companies can not only improve immediate customer satisfaction but also strengthen long-term loyalty.

5. The 5 Proofs of Emotional Impact on Customer Relations

Emotional marketing specialist Patrice Laubignat explains the Role of Emotions in Customer Relationships.

Relationship Rhymes With Emotion

Brands need to understand that emotion is at the heart of any successful customer relationship. Current data indicates that consumers are looking for emotional interactions, highlighting the importance of going beyond traditional communication patterns.

According to a Capgemini study on the key drivers of consumer loyalty, 82% of consumers with a strong emotional commitment will always choose products from a brand to which they are loyal when making a purchasing decision.

The Voice Necessarily Conveys Emotions

Brands should capitalize on voice, whether through engaging conversations or surprising experiences.

During a customer relations call, agents can detect emotional signals such as frustration, enthusiasm, or satisfaction. In response, they can adapt their tone and language to match the perceived emotion, creating a more empathetic experience.

If a customer appears frustrated, the agent can express understanding and offer solutions in a calming manner.

What’s more, agents can adjust their responses according to the emotional context. For example, if they detect a positive experience shared by the customer, they can reinforce this emotion by expressing joy or sharing congratulations.

Similarly, in the event of dissatisfaction, agents can show empathy and strive to resolve the problem in a way that soothes negative emotions.

Brands Play on People’s Emotions

Companies need to broaden their vision of customer relations, moving from simply managing complaints to creating positive emotions.

Extensive analysis shows that brands that invest in emotional experiences see a significant increase in customer satisfaction, generating positive word-of-mouth.

Pioneering brands such as Apple, Disney, and Starbucks have seen a 20% increase in customer loyalty after implementing emotion-driven strategies, according to a Harvard Business Review Study published in 2021.

Positive Emotions Are a Plus for Your Customer Relations

The management of customer interactions is still strongly influenced by the traditional model of customer relations, focused on handling complaints.

Today, we realize the need to go beyond this vision, but the tendency to think in terms of “Managing the Disgruntled” is strongly entrenched: in fact, those who are responded to first and foremost are those who complain and whom we dread seeing on social networks.

While managing dissatisfaction is a priority, it is increasingly essential to recognize that fostering positive emotions contributes significantly to strengthening loyalty and forging lasting relationships.

Caring About Your Customers Means Showing Them You Care

Companies should adopt a proactive approach, going beyond simply reacting to customer requests. Data reveals that 68% of customers are more likely to remain loyal if a company surprises them positively through outbound call campaigns, underlining the importance of creating unexpected emotional moments.

Specific case studies, such as those of brands that have successfully built loyalty by initiating interactions without motive, highlight the untapped potential of this innovative approach.

The Importance of Personalization in Evoking Positive Emotions

Personalization is the key to evoking positive emotions in a meaningful way. Companies need to use customer data to tailor their messages and offers, creating personalized experiences that evoke positive emotions.

In the quest for personalization, Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) is emerging as an essential tool for seamlessly integrating CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with a company’s telephony solution.

CTI enables a seamless connection between communication systems and customer data, transforming every telephone interaction into an opportunity for increased personalization.

By combining the customer information-rich CRM with the functionality of the telephony solution, customer relations agents can instantly access relevant customer details during an incoming call.

This gives agents a complete view of purchase history, preferences and previous interactions, facilitating real-time personalization of exchanges.

According to an Accenture Study published in 2023 on the importance of CX within companies, 82% of customers feel more engaged with brands that understand their individual needs.

Concrete examples, such as the personalized marketing campaigns of innovative brands, attest to the power of personalization to strengthen the emotional bond.

Recent case studies, such as Amazon’s BASE company using personalization to recommend products based on past purchasing behavior, highlight the significant impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

These tangible examples illustrate how personalization can transform the customer experience, arousing positive emotions with every interaction.

By going beyond simple personalization, this approach can even increase the average shopping basket. By deeply understanding the customer’s needs, we can anticipate their expectations, offering them relevant suggestions even before they express them.

This proactive approach helps create an exceptional customer experience while stimulating purchases, revealing the power of personalization in strengthening customer relationships and optimizing sales performance.

6. Sentiment Analysis With an Artificial Intelligence Solution

Diabolocom redefines customer interaction management by integrating sentiment analysis functionality powered by artificial intelligence. Thanks to advanced algorithms, we go beyond words to decode emotional nuances.

The aim of this feature goes beyond simply understanding speech. We aim to recognize the customer’s emotional state at the start of the call, for example, by determining whether they are unhappy or frustrated. We then assess the customer’s state at the end of the call, for example, whether they are satisfied.

This capability enables us to assess the effectiveness of interactions in real-time, gather precise verbatims, and proactively adapt our services to improve the customer experience.

By combining this fine-grained sentiment analysis with our proactive personalization approach, we are able to anticipate customers’ emotional needs and optimize every interaction.

By identifying positive and negative emotions, we create a human approach, transforming interactions into memorable experiences.

The precise data provided enables processes to be optimized, thus personalizing services. Our tool offers proactive emotion management, transforming tense situations into opportunities to strengthen customer relationships.

This new era represents a commitment where every word counts in building lasting customer relationships.

It’s time for companies to rethink their approach to customer relations. By adopting a strategy centered on emotion, they can transcend simple claims management and create memorable experiences.

This is the right time to explore the opportunities offered by AI and start leveraging its benefits to optimize your day-to-day operations.

Author: Guest Author

Published On: 4th Jan 2024
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