10 Things to Consider When Writing a Call Centre Script

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Simply stated, there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle call centre scripts. When done correctly, call centre scripts can make all the difference when it comes to the efficiency and effectiveness of your call centre.

However, when done poorly, scripts can have a negative effect as some agents are not at ease working with them, and customers don’t appreciate talking to somebody who sounds “robotic”.

If this sounds familiar, you’ll want to read on as we’ll take a closer look at some of the best practices to consider when writing a call centre script.

At its core, call centre script writing should be all about enhancing productivity, streamlining customer service and bolstering the confidence of your agents.

But let’s start at the beginning and define what a call centre script is. It’s a document that agents can use while interacting with customers over the phone. These scripts can vary depending on the specific function and industry of the call centre.

It’s also important to note that there are mainly two types of call centre scripts, categorized by function:

  • Customer service script: This script acts as a knowledge base for agents to quickly refer to common customer issues while on a call. It is usually used by agents handling service calls regularly.
  • Sales representatives use call centre scripts for cold calling prospects. Such a script usually consists of the benefits of using the business’s service or product and answers to common objections.

So then, here are 10 tips to consider when writing a call centre script for your agents.

1. Maintain Information

A call centre script should clearly and concisely outline how a contact centre agent is supposed to handle customer interactions. The idea is to help your agents maintain information consistency and create meaningful conversations for a great customer experience.

2. Offer Guidance

Your call centre script should offer guidance and direct language for handling the most common situations, including:

  • How to introduce themselves.
  • Various responses to specific problems.
  • How to handle escalations.
  • How to upsell/offer additional services.
  • How to deliver a call to action (CTA).
  • How to close the conversation.

3. Flexibility in Following

Hopefully, your script is dynamic enough to cover most situations. If your agents find that they cannot answer customer questions without improvising multiple times a day, perhaps it is time to return to the script board and develop additional language.

Still, there are going to be times when a customer has a unique situation that could not be anticipated. In these situations, an agent must be empowered to give the correct information without relying on a script. As we mentioned earlier, when relying too heavily on a script, agents can come off sounding too robotic.

4. Make it Personal

According to Epsilon, 80% of consumers claim they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences and 90% indicated that they find personalization appealing.

Customers want to feel like they matter and are talking to someone who cares about them and their problems. That’s why it’s essential to write personalization into your call centre scripts.

To do this, refer to customers by their names. This automatically develops trust and familiarity in the conversation. From there, make sure your agents mention the pain point often during the conversation to emphasize that they are working directly on the customer’s needs.

The entire script should feel customized exclusively for the customer.

5. Strong Opening Act

Don’t skip to the problems without a strong opening to the call – talking about an exceptional greeting, using the customer’s name, and generally putting the caller at ease right off the bat.

The basics are exactly what they sound like. You need to write out:

  • How to greet the customer.
  • When and how to use the customer’s name and then how to continue addressing them (Mr., Mrs., Sir, Madam, etc.).
  • How to introduce yourself and what personal pronouns to use (I, me, you, us, etc.).
  • Words to avoid such as “possibly,” “perhaps,” “could,” etc.

6. Review the Competition

It’s never a bad idea to check in on the competition to see what they are doing, that’s working, and what they are doing that isn’t. This is important to know to make sure that you are on par or exceeding the customer experiences that are expected within your industry.

There’s nothing wrong with calling a competitor and speaking with their agents to see how they handle problems and what their scripts sound like. You might quickly generate a few ideas for improvement and get a clear idea of what not to do.

7. Listen to Your Top Performers

There’s a reason why successful sports teams win – they turn to their star players when they need them most. Monitor the calls of your best-performing agents and then incorporate those best practices in your call centre scripts. They are your best for a reason, so use their natural talents for the betterment of all your agents.

8. Cover Every Base

Every caller is unique so write multiple scenarios into each script. Create easy paths for every scenario. Is someone calling for information on a product, or simply for location information, for pricing, or to discuss a problem? The list of possibilities goes on and on.

Sometimes people call and are unsure of what it is they really need. Or they may be calling for one thing, and then realize they need something else while they are on the phone. Writing multiple possibilities into your script is essential.

9. Write Scripts to be Delivered Naturally

Sixty-nine percent of customers say they hate it when a call centre agent reads a script. Make sure you have your agents practice delivering scripts until it feels natural. The fact is, some scripts need to be read word-for-word, to avoid confusion, handle complex info, or cover legal requirements.

However, those situations aside ensure that agents can deliver the script in their own words. Verbatim or not, the best way to come across as sincere and engaged with customers is to practice the delivery so that tone of voice, pacing, and word emphasis all sound natural.

10. Keep It Simple

When creating a call script, always remember to use simple language that is easy for all callers to understand. Never talk down in any way to customers and write scripts in a way that focuses on reducing potential confusion.

Customers call when they need help so don’t ever use this time to show off tech speak or marketing jargon. Keep your script simple and to the point. Save industry jargon for co-workers who understand what a “full-stack, omnichannel support vehicle” is.

For times when some level of legalese or business jargon is needed, agents should preface the section with a note that the information is mandatory and encourage callers to ask questions if any of the information is unclear.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of Scorebuddy – View the Original Article

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Scorebuddy Scorebuddy is quality assurance solution for scoring customer service calls, emails and web chat. It is a dedicated, stand-alone staff scoring system based in the cloud, requiring no integration.

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Call Centre Helper is not responsible for the content of these guest blog posts. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of Call Centre Helper.

Author: Scorebuddy

Published On: 13th Jan 2022
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