Video: Tips to Reduce Repeat Contacts


In this video Colin Mann at Enghouse Interactive outlines four tips for reducing repeat contacts.

What Are Some Tips for Reducing Repeat Contacts?

So if you’re looking to improve your First Contact Resolution rate I’ll call out three or four things. There are others I encourage people to explore, but one is to adopt a quality assurance methodology.

So you’re looking at things like asking agents whether a query was resolved, asking customers through post-transaction surveys, using supervisors to monitor calls and check they were resolved quickly, analysing call recordings to see if queries were resolved.

So you can see there’s a lot you can do around quality assurance and processes that will improve your First Contact Resolution.

The second one I would call out is collaboration between departments. Sometimes you’re going to find you’re talking to a customer, or a prospect, who has a more complex enquiry, and typically in the past that might have involved telling them to call back or transferring them to somebody else.

What you can do these days is actually bring in expertise during a live interaction. Maybe have a chat going on in the background with an expert in the team, to just bring that knowledge in during the live interaction.

And then, related to that, the knowledge base is important.

If an agent has access to the right knowledge there in the interaction that they’re having with the customer or prospect, that’s only going to help them to resolve that query first time and fast.

Colin Mann at Enghouse
Colin Mann

And then finally I would say self-service. Yeah, there are a lot of interactions with customers that can be done online and can be enabled through digital self-service, so your agents can focus on the more complex enquiries. So automating that and driving self-service is only going to help with this area as well.

With thanks to Colin Mann at Enghouse Interactive for contributing to this video.

If you are looking for more great insights from the experts, check out these videos next:

Author: Colin Mann
Reviewed by: Robyn Coppell

Published On: 7th Nov 2023 - Last modified: 21st Aug 2024
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