Merging of 2 Different Call Centre Operations

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Merging of 2 Different Call Centre Operations

We are about to merge two large call centres into a common operation. One centre deals with telecommunications and the other broadband and cable TV. What do I need to look at when i need to look and merge processes of these two operations? Anyone has anyexperience at this? I am purely coming at the angle of processes. Hope someone can provide some sound advice.

Question asked by Sara

Merger !!

This I am writing from the experience what I learnt at my previous organisation, a service Industry certainly not a Call Centre.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in merging two call centres who are into two different service areas.

The question what you need to ask yourself is:

1. With the merger whether you would keep both the activities active as your core / specialised area, or importance would be given to one that is earning a revenue slightly above the one thus allowing one activity have a natural death.

2. Whether team work could be ensured between the two activity teams.

If your answer is ‘yes’, then there should be no problem in the merger.

With thanks to Ramesh Sounder Rajan

Re. Merger

An audit of business and technology processes is the only sure way to de-risk the whole merger process. My company (Mason/Catalyst IT) have done exactly this with a number of large call / contact centres, and failure to gather all the information up-front can lead to disastrous consequences from both a user and a technology infrastructure perspective.

With thanks to Keith

Author: Jonty Pearce

Published On: 12th Apr 2022 - Last modified: 5th May 2022
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