10 Fun Ways to Motivate Your Agents

A picture of fruit in sunglasses

Our readers share some of their best tips for motivating agents in the contact centre.

1. Hide prizes in inflated balloons

Hide prizes in inflated balloons. For example, a chocolate bar, a £10 note, or a pen.

Agents can then pop a balloon and claim the prize inside every time they make a sale. It’s a great way to add some excitement to smaller, inexpensive prizes.

With thanks to Helen

2. Tiered targets allow agents to unlock better prizes the harder they work

We have a tiered-targets system that allows agents to earn more money and better prizes as they cross each threshold.

This ensures all of our agents receive some recognition for their efforts, while still having something to aim for.

With thanks to Clint

3. Treat agents to a birthday brunch with the management team


We celebrate all of our agents’ birthdays with a monthly ‘birthday brunch’.

Every month, without fail, the senior management team hold a ‘birthday brunch’ for everyone who has a birthday that month.

It goes down really well with the agents – and has the added advantage of improving general communication across the different levels of the business.

With thanks to Joanne

4. A profit-share scheme encourages all agents to up-sell

We have introduced a profit-share scheme for all of our agents to take part in.

This motivates them to up-sell and rake in the rewards!

With thanks to Marie

5. Food + Huddle = “Fuddle”

We have ‘fuddles’ now and again to help motivate the team. ‘Fuddles’ combine food with a team huddle.

This lasts for about an hour or so and celebrates the hard work our agents have put in.

With thanks to Alex

6. We give our agents spot prizes including top car-parking spots


We reward our agents with spot prizes throughout the week.

The prizes range from car-parking spots, to free coffees and meals.

With thanks to Daren

7. Bring in sweets for an instant mood boost

We love sweet day!

We bring in sweets to boost morale on busier days – it never fails!

With thanks to Marie

8. Peer-to-peer awards recognise those who have gone above and beyond

We run quarterly ‘Excellence Awards’ where anyone in the business can nominate a colleague who has gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Nominees are shortlisted by the management team, then a panel of agents (made up of previous-months’ winners) decide who to crown. The winner receives a £100 Amazon voucher.

With thanks to Shona

9. Take your agents out of the office to celebrate their achievements

We reward our agents with days out of the office to remind them that their hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed.

This usually extends to a meal and drinks, paid for by the company, of course.

With thanks to Katy

10. Hand out raffle tickets for a bigger prize at the end of the month

We give our agents a raffle ticket every time they achieve a quality score of 95% or above.

All of the tickets go into a hat and at the end of the month we draw a winner.

This helps to keep our agents motivated – as they know the more tickets they have, the better chance they have of winning.

With thanks to Laura

For more ideas for inspiring fun within your contact centre, read our articles:

Author: Megan Jones

Published On: 9th Dec 2015 - Last modified: 11th Dec 2020
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