A Workforce Manager’s Guide to Better Back-Office Operations

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In the intricate web of customer service, contact centres often emerge as the lifeline that keeps businesses and their customers connected.

Yet, in the complex dance of ensuring customer satisfaction, it’s not just the front-liners who take centre stage. Operating behind the scenes, back-office operations play a vital role, diligently supporting and enabling seamless front-end customer interactions.

The Importance of Efficient Back-Office Operations

Back-office operations encompass various tasks ranging from processing orders and handling complaints to managing data and performing customer follow-ups.

These tasks, though less visible to the customer, are the backbone of the contact centre, ensuring each customer interaction is guided and informed by accurate, timely information.

Efficiency in back-office operations translates to an enhanced customer service experience. It ensures frontline staff are equipped with the correct and necessary information, reducing delays, preventing errors, and fostering customer trust.

The more efficient the back office, the smoother the front-end experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction rates, better reviews, and, ultimately, stronger customer loyalty.

The Cost of Back-Office Inefficiency

Inefficiencies in back-office operations may not be immediately visible on a balance sheet, but their impacts are far-reaching and significant.

When back-office operations falter, the ripple effects permeate the whole organization, resulting in wasted resources, decreased productivity, and ,potentially, a tarnished reputation.

In a business environment where acquiring new customers can be up to five times more expensive than retaining existing ones, the financial implications of poor customer service, often a direct consequence of inefficient back-office operations, cannot be overestimated.

Customers lost due to poor service delivery can translate to substantial revenue loss, and this does not even factor in the damaging effects of negative reviews and word-of-mouth.

Further, inefficient back-office operations lead to wasted resources. Errors due to misinformation or lack of information often result in rework, necessitating additional time and effort, which, in turn, translates to higher operational costs.

Barriers to Back-Office Efficiency in the Contact Centre

While the vision of a smoothly running back-office operation is undoubtedly appealing, achieving this vision is often thwarted by a handful of significant barriers.

Inadequate technology stands as one of the most common hurdles. Many contact centres still use outdated systems that struggle to keep pace with the volume and complexity of today’s customer interactions. This can lead to slower response times, increased errors, and decreased productivity.

Poorly designed workflows further exacerbate inefficiencies. Without clearly defined processes and workflows, tasks may be duplicated, critical activities may be missed, and staff can become overwhelmed, contributing to lower job satisfaction and higher turnover rates.

Lastly, a lack of communication often forms a substantial barrier to efficiency. Without clear channels of communication between frontline and back-office staff, valuable information can be lost or misinterpreted, leading to errors that directly impact customer satisfaction.

Shortcomings of Traditional WFM Tools in Back-Office Operations

Traditional workforce management (WFM) tools have served us well, but they were designed for a different era. They often fail to fully cater to the specific needs of modern back-office contact centre work, particularly in managing unpredictability and ensuring real-time visibility.

One glaring limitation is the handling of fluctuating work volumes and variations in task completion times. These tools often operate under the assumption that work arrives and is completed in a predictable, linear fashion.

However, the reality of back-office operations is often far from this, with work ebbing and flowing throughout the day and tasks varying greatly in their complexity and time requirements.

Additionally, traditional tools often lack real-time visibility and predictive capabilities. They may not provide insight into the current status of tasks or allow for real-time adjustments. This lack of real-time data and foresight can lead to bottlenecks and inefficiencies that hinder optimal performance.

Overcoming These Limitations

Fortunately, the technology landscape is rapidly evolving, providing us with more sophisticated tools better suited to handle the complexities of back-office contact centre operations.

Today’s advanced WFM systems leverage AI and machine learning to provide more accurate forecasting, seamless automation of routine tasks, and real-time insights. They can handle variable work volumes, predict surges and lulls, and offer actionable data-driven insights.

Incorporating such systems is a transformative step towards managing the dynamic nature of back-office operations effectively. They provide the agility, accuracy, and efficiency that modern contact centres need to stay competitive in an ever-evolving customer service landscape.

The Dynamics of Workforce Scheduling

Effective scheduling is the backbone of efficient back-office operations. It provides the rhythm to the organizational symphony, ensuring each player knows their role and timing.

From ensuring operational continuity to balancing the workload, scheduling can shape the overall performance of your contact centre.

Strategic Steps for Effective Back-Office Scheduling

Develop Diverse Shift Patterns:

When it comes to scheduling in the back office, one size does not fit all. Understand the operational rhythm of your organization and align your shift patterns accordingly.

You might discover that certain times are busier than others — perhaps due to time zones, customer behavior, or the nature of the tasks at hand. To address this, consider a range of shift options like split, rotating, or fixed shifts.

This creates flexibility, ensuring coverage during peak periods while also taking into account your team’s needs and work-life balance.

Incorporate Breaks and Overlap Time:

The importance of breaks cannot be overstated. Regular intervals for rest can help maintain a high level of performance, reduce fatigue, and boost overall team morale. Similarly, factor in some overlap time between shifts.

This acts as a safety net for any unexpected workload surge or transition hiccups. An extra pair of hands during shift changes can keep your operations running smoothly and prevent customer service bottlenecks.

Adopt an Adaptive Mindset:

Static schedules are a relic of the past. Today’s back-office operations require dynamic, adaptable scheduling. Real-time changes in workload, sudden absences, or shifts in business priorities necessitate adjustments to the schedule.

Foster an environment of open communication where changes can be discussed and addressed promptly, balancing both the organization’s needs and employee preferences.

An adaptive scheduling approach, supported by a culture of mutual respect and understanding, can improve your team’s resilience and responsiveness.

Embrace Agility:

In the rapidly changing world of back-office operations, agility is not just beneficial — it’s essential. The ability to pivot, adjust and respond quickly to changing circumstances can set successful workforce managers apart.

Leverage technology that provides real-time insights and aids in swift decision-making. Remember, mastering the art of scheduling is not just about planning — it’s also about anticipating and adapting to change.

By integrating these strategies into your scheduling practices, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of back-office contact centre operations while promoting a productive and positive work environment.

The Art of Accurate Forecasting

Forecasting, the sibling of scheduling in the family of workforce management, plays a paramount role in shaping back-office operations.

It’s a crystal ball that offers glimpses of future workload, enabling managers to plan proactively rather than reactively.

Practical Advice for Effective Back-Office Forecasting

Harness the Power of Data:

Today, back-office forecasting must be rooted in data. Relying on gut feelings or rough estimates simply won’t cut it. Start by analyzing historical data — it can provide insights into workload patterns, seasonal trends, and variations.

Use advanced analytics to find patterns and generate accurate predictions. Software tools that leverage machine learning algorithms can be particularly effective, as they can process large volumes of data and continuously refine their predictions over time.

Combine Internal and External Indicators:

An effective forecasting strategy isn’t solely about scrutinizing past data. It’s also about considering a broader array of factors.

External indicators, like market trends, economic forecasts, and industry developments, can inform your workload predictions.

Simultaneously, collaborate with other departments in your organization. Sales and marketing, for instance, can provide valuable insights into upcoming campaigns or product launches that may impact customer interactions and, subsequently, your contact centre’s workload.

Incorporate Business Intelligence:

Your organization is a treasure trove of insights that can enrich your forecasting. Leverage the intelligence generated by other departments and systems.

Perhaps there’s an upcoming marketing campaign that will increase customer inquiries or a new product being released that may increase support requests.

By incorporating this intelligence into your forecasts, you can anticipate changes in workload and prepare accordingly.

Forecasting as a Risk Mitigation and Opportunity Maximization Tool:

Remember, accurate forecasting isn’t just a defensive strategy; it’s an offensive one too. On one hand, it mitigates risks by ensuring that you’re never understaffed or overwhelmed by unexpected workload surges.

On the other, it opens doors to new opportunities. When a sudden opportunity arises — perhaps a new market opening or a product going viral — having an accurate forecast means you’ll have the right workforce in place, ready to seize the day.

It’s about turning unpredictability into preparedness, equipping your organization to thrive in the dynamic business landscape of tomorrow.

The essence of back-office forecasting lies in striking the right balance — between data and insights, between historical trends and future indicators, and between defense and offense.

By implementing these practical strategies, you can elevate your forecasting accuracy, optimize your resource planning, and secure a competitive edge in the evolving world of back-office operations.

Go Back to Move Forward

The back office is the unseen force that propels a contact centre’s success. Its efficiency, or lack thereof, has significant implications for customer satisfaction and the bottom line.

Barriers to efficiency — from outdated technology to poor workflow design — pose challenges but are not insurmountable.

With the advent of modern workforce management tools, contact centres are better equipped than ever to navigate these challenges.

By embracing these technologies and employing smart strategies for scheduling and forecasting, you can transform your back-office operations into a well-oiled machine that drives customer satisfaction and operational success.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of Assembled – View the Original Article

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Assembled Assembled is a Support Operations platform that helps companies maintain exceptional customer experiences, no matter what lies ahead. Leading brands use Assembled's workforce and vendor management capabilities to make optimal staffing decisions, gain visibility into performance and productivity, and unlock new ways to serve evolving customer needs.

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Author: Assembled

Published On: 8th Jun 2023
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