Happy 10th Birthday, Call Centre Helper

Filed under - Call Centre Life

Today we are celebrating Call Centre Helper’s 10th birthday. We’d like to say a huge thank you for all of your support in making this happen.

To celebrate, we are offering 10 birthday presents (one for each year of our success) to the best 10 comments or answers posted on our website or via Twitter over the coming week.

We started Call Centre Helper in August 2003 with a simple idea – to provide call centre help and advice online.

Since then, Call Centre Helper has grown to be the most popular call centre magazine in the UK.  We decided to be nostalgic and look back over how our website has changed.



Call Centre Helper started out life in August 2003 as a simple help and advice website.

It started mainly with a back catalogue of some of the articles that Jonty had written in his consulting days.



More articles are added to the website and advertising is sold through Google Adwords.



The website turns into a monthly online magazine, with professional styling and a new editor, Alex Coxon.



The site goes from strength to strength and moves to a content management system called Joomla.

We launch our jobs database.



The team grows as Jo Robinson and Jonathan Ball join us.



Call Centre Helper becomes a weekly magazine.  Jonty resumes editorial duties.

We move across to WordPress as our publishing system.


We hold our very first webinar in March and, with beginner’s luck, we get over 100 people live on the call.  A sign of things to come.

We start a forum and add our popular reference guides.  We make our first tweet.

Martin Hill-Wilson wins our first “Top 10 most respected Call Centre People”.



10 months after we started twittering we had our first 1,000 followers. @jontypearce

Rachael Boynton joins the team.

12 months after sending our last fax, we consign our machine to the fax machine graveyard.  Farewell, old friend, you served us well!



The webinar programme gains real traction.  18 webinars held with an average of 87 live attendees and 64 people watching the replay.   3,000 followers on Twitter.

Our major competitor, Call Centre Focus, stops publishing its print edition and moves online.



The business really starts to mature.

We reach over 100,000 readers per month. We hold 21 webinars.  5,000 followers on Twitter.

Jo Sparkes joins the team.



We move to a new design for wide screens and for smartphones.

Emma joins the team.

Annual traffic growth has been impressive:

Year 1 – (Aug 2003 – Aug 2004) – 6,822 page views
Year 2 – (Aug 2004 – Aug 2005) – 119,029 page views
Year 3 – (Aug 2005 – Aug 2006) – 336, 578 page views
Year 4 – (Aug 2006 – Aug 2007) – 449,927 page views
Year 5 – (Aug 2007 – Aug 2008) – 925,693 page views
Year 6 – (Aug 2008 – Aug 2009) – 1,477,965 page views
Year 7 – (Aug 2009 – Aug 2010) – 2,192,781 page views
Year 8 – (Aug 2010 – Aug 2011) – 2,684,992 page views
Year 9 – (Aug 2011 – Aug 2012) – 3,945,689 page views
Year 10 – (Aug 2012 – Aug 2013) – 4,644,115 page views

Last month (July 2013) we had over 172,378 visitors to the Call Centre Helper website.

As part of our celebrations, we are offering 10 birthday presents (a bottle of champagne and 9 boxes of chocolates) to the best answers or comments on the Call Centre Helper website or to our Twitter page. Simply add your comments and we will pick the best 10 answers. Please remember to add in your email address.

Good luck and let’s look forward to celebrating many more Happy Birthdays.

Author: Jo Robinson

Published On: 31st Jul 2013 - Last modified: 10th Jul 2018
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  • Happy birthday Jonty – here’s one for you for the next ten:

    “I dont want to turn the clock back
    I’m happy living just like this
    There’s nothing that I want or lack
    Except my bucket list!”

    Looking forward to the CCH London drinks party….

    Peter Massey 1 Aug at 10:47
  • Congratulations on your tenth anniversary! The CCMA (UK) have followed you from the very beginning and we are all delighted that you have grown to be such a tremendous force for GOOD in the industry! Here’s to the next ten years!

    Ann-Marie Stagg 1 Aug at 10:48
  • I first started going on call centre helper in 2005. I can’t believe it has been helping me for 8 years. I have found many useful things being part of this website and have also enjoyed contributing to our call centre community. Jonty I love the website and always recommend it to all I know. Cheers to many more years.

    Luke Clarke 1 Aug at 11:01