How to Calculate Average Call Per Hour Per Agent & Per the Whole Center

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How to Calculate Average Call Per Hour Per Agent & Per the Whole Centre

Needing a good formula for calculating average calls per hour per agent & average calls per hour for the whole centre

Question asked by Scott

Divide the Number of Calls By the Number of Hours

Generally to find the number of calls per hour per agent you would take the number of calls over a week and divide that by the number of hours actually worked.

You should be able to get these figures from your ACD reports.

The Calls Per Hour Formula

The calls per hour formula is:

Calls Per Hour = Total Number of Calls ÷ Total Number of Hours

The calls per hour per agent formula is:

Calls Per Hour Per Agent = Total Number of Calls Handled by an Agent ÷ Total Number of Hours Worked by the Agent

Working Out Calls Per Hour Using Average Handling Time

It is possible to work out the potential number of calls per hour using average handling time:

Calls Per Hour = 60 ÷ Average Handling Time (Minutes)

So for example, if the average handling time is 5 minutes:

Calls Per Hour = 60 ÷ 5 =12 Calls Per Hour

A note of caution – this calculation does not include shrinkage, you also have to be careful that maximum occupancy does not exceed 85%.

For more on maximum occupancy watch the video below:

If you are looking for more information on calculating contact centre metrics, read these articles next:

Author: Jonty Pearce
Reviewed by: Robyn Coppell

Published On: 12th Apr 2022 - Last modified: 2nd Jul 2024
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